Chapter 10

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Michael and Luke started acting pretty strange after they talked in Luke's bedroom. They stopped speaking, almost fully, aside from when asking to pass the salt and pepper. I don't know what's up with them, because one minute they're best friends and next thing you know, its as though they hate eachother.

I love Michael a lot, he's the guy I want to be with but Luke is also one of my best friends and I'd like to be there for both of them but I can't do that. The last time I went in between them after something happened, they made me choose and well we all stopped talking for a week.

Michael is just kind of always looking at Luke with this horrid and sad expression and Luke always shifts uncomfortably wherever he is, ignores his gaze and tries to focus on something else. I know something bad happened between them two, but what could it be?


He bopped his head up then nodded a bit, showing me that I had his attention and I could proceed. I don't usually ask him questions when it comes to the others, because I'm pretty open and people like telling me how they feel because they know I won't judge. However, I'm too afraid to ask Michael and Luke because I might offend them or something.

"Do you know why Luke and Michael aren't talking? I mean its been days, and well, I'm starting to miss hearing their voices." He just simply shrugged and went back to reading some magazine with his feet kicked up on the glass table that we normally set our cups on.

"I guess I'll just go ask one of them then."

"Let me know what they say."

I nodded, then walked towards the end of the hallway. My palms were sweating and my heart was racing slightly - I had no idea as to why I was so indescribably nervous. I decided to go to Luke, since he's easy going and well, I like Michael and I'd probably say something that he doesn't need to hear.

I knocked on his door softly, waiting for him to answer. He kept mumbling things that I couldn't understand under his breath, then he shouted that I could come in as long as I wasn't Michael. I gulped down then gripped a hold of the door and opened it. Luke was laying on his bed backwards, feet against the head board and his upper body hanging off of his bed.
"Oh hi Ashton."

I gave him a small smile then pushed the door close so that Calum and Michael couldn't overhear the conversation that we are about to have. His eyes were on the wall the whole time, never once at me, so I decided to sit in front of him on the floor so that he could see me.

His blue eyes met mine and I could see the bags under his eyes - large, making him look different than how he usually is, eyes not as blue either. He looked like he had been crying or thinking about something that hurt him.

"So," I pursed, clearing my throat, "I came to talk to you about Michael."



He grabbed a pillow that was comforting his right hip then he placed it on top of his face so that I couldn't see him. "Why did you have to bring up his name?"

I sighed, "Luke. I don't like seeing two of my best friends fighting and I-"

"We aren't fighting," he interrupted. If they weren't fighting then why wouldn't they be speaking? "Well, the point is that I don't care what happened between you two. I'd like to see you talking again."


"Are you going to tell me what happened?" I questioned, feeling annoyed that he replied with one word with no emotion at all. "I don't really want to."

"Okay, I'll just ask Michael," I replied, standing up from my criss-crossed position. His eyes widened and he suddenly sat up quickly.

"No no no, don't do that. I'll tell you, just not right now. I'm still trying to process what happened and I'm really confused okay? Please give me time Ashton."


After that, I stood up fully and walked out of his bedroom, heading back to the living room where Calum was.

"So? What did he say?" Calum asked me as I plopped down next to him on the couch. I didn't know how to reply to that since he didn't tell me anything like a normal best friend would.

"He just told me that he needed time to process what happened."

"And what happened?"

I shrugged. "Not sure, that's all he told me."

"Sounds serious."

And it was serious, it certainly felt serious. Sure, we've all gotten into fights but none of them have never lasted this long. Michael and Luke are so close, it'd upset me to see their friendship end. I don't want it to.

"Yeah, I'm really worried about them."

"They'll come around."

I didn't think I could believe that but maybe he's right. Calum usually is right. All we can do is hope that everything between them is okay.

But the moment I saw Michael walk into the living room with tears streaming down his face, I didn't have hope any longer. The band isn't okay, their friendship isn't okay, they're not okay.

A/N: Hi! haha..shortchapteronlybecauseitsbeendayssinceI'veupdatedmystoriesandwellI'mtryingtowritethemalltonight.. soyeah xD

I'msoexcited forthenextchapteromg.

But yeah no more blabbing thanks forreading!

Loveyouall, byec:

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