Chapter 38

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When finding the words to describe something different, it can be hard. However, this isn't as hard as I thought.

The date with Luke wasn't so bad after all. At first I was pissed at him because he practically lied about where we were going, but in the end, things turned out just fine.

I remember feeling so confused as to why we were walking through a place that was so dark and all the colours consisted of green, brown and grey. It was weird to say the least and I felt uncomfortable. But then he took my hand in a friendly manner and guided me through.

It was such a peaceful and calming place. I assumed we were just going to talk about guy things and the band of course, but that wasn't the case at all. When he told me he was going to show me his songs, I felt flattered. Nobody has ever done that for me before.

I don't think I've ever had a song written specifically about me before that I didn't write myself. The fact that Luke put so much time and effort into those songs means the absolute world to me. I'm just Ashton Irwin, yet he made me feel like I'm so much more.

Sure, he may not be Michael. He may not dye his hair a thousand times, he may not have an eyebrow piercing, and he may not have green eyes but he sure does have something. And that something can easily make up for not having Michael.

Luke is special in a way that I truly can't describe. I feel like he's what I've been missing for a long time, and I'm not exactly sure why I fell for Michael instead of him. I was so blind and Luke is amazing. Hes given me a definition of a new world, where I don't feel depressed inside, but happy.

When the date ended, I was quite upset. But Luke promised we would go on another one if I was okay with that and who was I to say no? He said our next one would probably involve us going to the aquarium or something. Hes so cheesy with his love for animals and fish. I can't with him.

I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when I suddenly heard a bunch of shouting coming from downstairs. The sounds ruffling around mde my eyebrows furrow in a quick manner. I tried the best I could to ignore the constant bickering but it continued to grow. I groaned to myself before setting my phone down and heading downstairs to see what drama was folding up now.

"We can't be like them because we're not them, Michael. You already know how I feel!"

"Are you kidding me, Calum? You're so stubborn. You always put yourself first and the minute someone else is interested in you, you shut them down. It's like nobody is important to you except for Luke." I could hear Michael's voice crack and it made me frown.

"That's not true. I told you I was over Luke."

"You're obviously not. I still see the way you look at him, all fondly and shit. Yet you don't see the way I look at you. Am I just not good enough?"

Calum stayed silent. He opened his mouth and closed it a million times without a single word falling out. Well, this was going to cause yet another problem in this band.

"That's what I thought. You know, Calum, as rude as this is going to sound, Luke likes Ashton and Ashton likes him back, or at least I hope he does. I want you to want me, not him!"

"I'm trying-"

"Well try harder!"

Michael was now full on tears. I leaned a bit closer to where the fight was breaking out just so I could hear and see better. Everything was falling apart, just like it always is.

I continued to listen until I felt someones arms wrap around my waist. The gesture shocked me and I almost screamed but placed my hand over my mouth so I didn't blow my cover - or should I say our cover.

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now