Chapter 23

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My feelings for Calum weren't going away at all. I figured that being with Luke would really help get my mind off of the boy but it doesn't. Sometimes, I just lay in bed at night and think about why I made the decision of being with Luke in the first place. He's a good boyfriend and all but he isn't Calum and that's the problem with everything in all honesty. But then again, we always want what we can't have.

A few days ago, I noticed that Luke was gazing over at Ashton when we were performing. He should've been looking at me but he wasn't and it kind of hurts me. I feel that Luke still wants Ashton more than he wants me. Even though we created this relationship at first to make them jealous, it grew on me. I enjoy holding Luke's hands, they're soft and firm, plus he let's me squeeze them whenever we watch a horror film. He also has the prettiest blue eyes that I can never stop gazing in. I've always only loved people with brown eyes but I became attached to Luke's. His eyes make me feel like I'm looking at the ocean on a nice, windy but sunny day on a beach.

I can only hope that Luke still has feelings for me but if he doesn't, it's okay. Not every relationship is built to last unfortunately and if forever was real, then this world would be a happier place. However, nobody really knows what forever means anyways because if they did, then they wouldn't promise it to their significant other.

I was sitting in the living room with Ashton - he was quiet which was unusual. Ashton is always the optimist, he's always on the bright side of life, chirpy and he keeps us all motivated and cheerful. However, today he was just sitting on the chair with his arms wrapped around his knees. He had a nice set of muscles though since he bangs his drums pretty hard at concerts. His muscle shirt showed off his muscles anyways, and if I were interested in him then I would say it's a huge turn on.

He was staring at me with an intense grin. It was almost as though he was trying to focus on a specific detail about me and I wondered what it was. It could've been my hair, with the fact that I just dyed it a new color and that its somewhat falling out. Or it could be my eyebrow piercing, how the silver metal really brings out my eyes. Regardless of what it was, he wouldn't stop and it was starting to scare me the slightest bit.

"Um Ashton, are you alright?" It was a stupid question but I was genuinely curious. He blinked about twice slowly, then gestured me over after a moment of silence with his large hands. I was afraid to go over there in case he were to yell at me or something, but I went over anyway because he's still one of my best friends and you shouldn't be scared of your best friend under any circumstances.

It was late tonight, around five and Luke and Calum were out spending time together since they never have any alone time. They've always been close so the both of us understood. They left us with Ketchup though who was just laying in his bed, snuggled up under his blankets and sleeping peacefully. I'm glad we chose a dog that doesn't snore because I get irritated easily with that sound.

"Michael, do you know that you're really hot?" I began feeling uncomfortable and I noticed that he was slurring his words the slightest bit. I was hoping that he wasn't drunk or anything, but I'm not sure how that's possible if I've been around him all day.

"I guess," I replied, trying to sound casual. I don't want any awkward tension between us. Not only that, but I have a boyfriend and I'm not going to let my best friend sweet talk me. It's just weird and unsatisfying. I noticed that Ashton was starting to lean a bit close, so I scooted away and looked down at my hands. He was freaking me out and I didn't want to hear what he had to say.

"Come on Michael, you're with the wrong guy. He doesn't love you, I can tell you that right now." This didn't sound like something he would say, ever, but he was telling me it right now and it bothered me. I shook my head and bit down on my lip knowing he was wrong. That was the only response he was going to get out of me - silence.

"He's probably out having sex with girls as we speak. You don't know him like I do, I could treat you so much better." I was confused, because Luke would never do something like that. He isn't even into girls. "He's gay," I pointed out, which made Ashton grin even larger than he was before.

"Okay, then he may be fucking Calum. I heard them talking about it last night." This was starting to bring me down the slightest bit but I was curious as to what Ashton was talking about. I looked up at him and we were now making eye contact. He looked pretty serious but then again, he was drunk.

"They were talking about how they had sex. I heard it with my own ears. Luke isn't the right guy for you, Michael. He's cheating on you." I shook my head once again. He's not the type of guy to cheat and he never will be. I know that he's faithful so Ashton is wrong. "So you're telling me that you want to continue to be with someone who treats you like complete shit? Michael, I could treat you so much better."

Ashton is dating Calum so I don't know why he isn't sad over this himself. Luke never mentioned anything about having feelings for Calum since he knew I liked the boy first. The only thing that gets to me is why he would do it when he told me he loved me. Why would you tell someone you love them if you're just going to go off with somebody else?

I frowned and blinked a few times to stop my eyes from watering. This must have been a joke all along. He probably said he only wanted to date me to make me forget about Calum so he could have him. That's completely messed up. I don't understand.

Ashton leaned in more and cupped my face with his hands. "Don't cry sunshine, he isn't worth your tears. I can cheer you up." I cocked an eyebrow while sniffling sadly. "How?" Ashton closed his eyes and leaned in farther - just enough for our lips to touch. His lips rested on mine for a second until I pulled away and looked down. "Just because he cheated on me doesn't mean I'm going to cheat on him. It's wrong and nobody deserves to be cheated on."

"But he cheated on you," Ashton pointed out, making me feel even worse. Life really does give you the unexpected, but I never would've expected that Luke could do something like this.

"Just let me kiss you, Michael. We don't have to tell anybody about this." I sighed sadly. I wanted to kiss Luke, not Ashton. I'm in a relationship and this whole entire situation is horrible and awkward. I don't want to feel guilty for the rest of my life but I already do. I wouldn't move, so Ashton just walked over to me and pressed his lips against mine once again while rubbing my back with his hand. I didn't move again, I just stood there sadly with his lips against mine - not enjoying it at all.

But suddenly, the door opened and there stood a crushed looking Luke. He looked crushed once again, but this time his eyes were watering and his lip was quivering. He looked lost and confused, but instead of asking about it, he immediately slammed the door and rushed upstairs without saying a word.

I fucked up.

A/N: heyyyy hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :D im seeing unfriended in a few hours im so excited omg. im sorry for the slow updates..this story will probably only be updated once a week now unless i have free time which i barely do anymore. thanks for the reads and votes and comments. ily guys.

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