Chapter 18

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I was sitting down somewhere, but I wasn't sure where. There was somebody next to me but I couldn't see their face. I could only see their small figure and my fingers intertwined with theirs. Their hands were soft, softer than anyone's hand I've ever held. It was soothing and comforting somehow.

I was smiling, teeth showing, lips curved with my dimples revealed, and the person next to me was squeezing my hand tightly. Neither of us were saying anything to eachother, we were just silent. But it was a comforting silence, and those don't usually happen.

Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled closer towards the person next to me. Our thighs were touching, both of us wearing black skinny jeans. My waist was next to his, and I could tell just by the wamrth of his hands that sent shivers down my spine that he was beautiful. It was extraordinary and amazing.

I looked up, but I still was not able to see his face. He had his head turned to the right, until he suddenly pressed his lips to mine - surprising me the slightest bit. I felt his cold metal piercing clicking against my bottom lip, which caused a small moan to fall out of my mouth.

He slipped his tongue into my mouth slowly, and our tongues began entwining with friction. He gripped tightly onto my waist and pulled me onto his lap as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could feel myself getting hard above him. The first thing I did was pull my tongue away and lean towards his neck. I wanted to suck on his perfect collarbone more than anything, but he wasn't letting me.

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now