Chapter 28

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Luke and Ashton wouldn't stop trying to cheer me up. Everything is changing so quickly and I'm not even sure what to do any longer. First, I'm crushing extremely hard for Calum and I find myself with my fingers intertwined with Luke's. Then, I find myself with my lips against Ashton's, the smell of alcohol lingering off of it seconds later. Luke and I stopped holding hands and being cute all because of Ashton and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. I still want to be with Luke, but it's not as bad as I want to be with Calum.

The only problem I have is that I still crave Luke's lips. There are so many things that I wanted to do with that boy that I never got the chance to do. Now, he's obviously smitten over Ashton just like he used to be and I'm left here missing my ex boyfriend. Sometimes, I wish Ashton didn't kiss me, just to see how long Luke and I would've lasted. We were probably going to break up soon anyway, but I didn't want it to be because I cheated. In fact, I don't even feel that it was my fault anyway. But I knew something bad was going to happen and I went along with it, so I understand why Luke is upset.

I just miss him I guess and I want to get rid of the longing feeling I have. The heart does and will go on, but I didn't want things to end so soon. And now I'm here with tears welling in my eyes because I can't get what just happened with Calum off of my mind. He just drove off out of anger and I didn't even mean to say what I did. I enjoyed the kiss, but it was too soon and it felt out of force. I know he doesn't like me, I'm just a sad and helpless boy who isn't good at anything except for singing and playing guitar. Calum can do just about everything, so can Luke and Ashton, which makes me less as great as them. It hurts me but I've never told any of them this. I just want to avoid as much drama between us as possible but it seems that there's already more than there should be.

Luke was telling me that everything was going to be okay and that he would come back, which I knew he would since he was our ride but everything just felt so emotional at the moment. Ashton was sitting there, rubbing my back with one arm, while the other arm was holding me tightly. That was one of the good things about Ashton, he was extremely strong, it didn't bother me at all. I just wanted all of the pain I have been feeling lately to be over. I want to admit the truth and tell everyone that I'm not okay, that I want to go back to the way it used to be but I also don't. We've been through so much as friends and as a band. We have come way too far to just turn back and let what happened go. It just needs to be talked about and we're all keeping our stupid feelings in.

Suddenly, a car pulled into the parking lot and I instantly found myself wiping my tears. I didn't want Calum to see me this way, he definetely didn't deserve it. However, right now, I wanted to focus on talking to him about how he feels since I already told him about I feel. Life is a mess right now and it's not going to get better unless we work together to fix it.

Calum got out of the car and ran towards me, seeing that we were all sitting on the ground. It was obvious that I was crying since I had tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. Sometimes, I hate the after effects of crying, since everyone can tell. I sighed, then looked away when he crouched down.

"Michael, I'm so sorry."

I shook my head. I didn't want to hear his apologies. It was hurting me even more to hear him apologize for something that I'm not quite sure if he wanted or not. He kissed me, and of course I felt sparks but maybe he didn't feel them. For all I know, he could've kissed me over a dare and that corrupts me.

"You're not."

Calum frowned and tried to run his fingers through my messy hair, but I only hit his hand so he wouldn't touch me. "If you were sorry, you wouldn't have kicked me out of the car. You would've let me speak, but you didn't. And it hurt me, Calum."

He gave me a sympathetic look. I could tell that he felt bad about everything but I didn't care. I didn't care at all. "Michael, I'm human. I make mistakes. I do things before I think about doing them, just like you do, just like Ashton does, just like Luke does. You know I never meant to hurt you or anyone. I was just trying to make your dreams come true."

"By kissing me?" I said, my voice cracking. I loved the kiss of course and it was everything I wanted, but it wasn't the way I wanted it to happen. "I thought you wanted me to kiss you." He sounded apologetic and it was making me even more upset. Luke and Ashton were just sitting there quietly, trying not to acknowledge everything that was happening. They could've spoken up but didn't. They chose to leave it between us and only us.

"I did, but not like that! I wanted you to mean it, I want to be kissed because someone wants to kiss me, not to be kissed because I want it!" I wasn't sure if I was making sense, but I wanted it to mean something to him. And from what I could tell, it didn't mean anything at all.


"I think we should all just stop trying to be with eachother. It's stupid and nothing is ever going to happen. We should just take a break, you know? From relationships so we can let all of the bullshit fade away." Ashton said casually, and we all knew he had a point.

Us trying to be in relationships with eachother is what started the mess in the first place. Maybe we should take some time for ourselves to figure out who we want to be with. I want Luke, and I want Calum. Maybe Ashton's suggestion will help me get away from who I'm torn between and I'll be able to make a choice soon. I hope so anyway.

And I hope they make their decisions too.


A/N: short and kind of sad chapter im sorry :c im trying to update everything so this may seem rushed, sorrrryyy!! i hope you liked it though and i have a lot more coming up. don't worry, the fluff will come back, i promise. and each boy will end up with one of the members, just not saying who :* even though you probably know with my otps and shiz. thanks for voting, commenting and reading. ily all, bye my little fritters. cx

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