Chapter 30

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A/N: Before you read, I wanted to apologize because I accidentally skipped over Calum's part, and wrote Luke's part instead, since Calum's POV comes after Luke's, ugh. So this will be Calum's POV In this chapter, then it'll be luke again..thanks! also...warning..there's some if you don't like that stuff, don't read it. :)


It was somewhat nice being off tour at the moment, since we don't have to worry about hating each other on stage. It's not that I've ever hated anyone, aside from Michael at one point because he literally stole my man. After finding out he has feelings for me, I'm still not sure how to feel. Michael is a great guy, but my heart still wants me to go after Luke. I don't know why, but it does, and since Ashton made the statement about how we shouldn't be in relationships, its the perfect chance to win the boy over. Maybe Luke will realize I've loved him all along and he will give me a chance. I also have the perfect plan to win him over before Ashton does. It will work, I know it will.

The boys and I were going out to play pool with Anthony and Ian, since we haven't done anything together in a while. They invited us over to their place, then we were going to go to an Italian restaurant for dinner. The best part was they offered to pay for it all since they felt bad about us leaving their party so early. I was quite excited in all honesty, because not only did I miss my friends, but I was also going to get to win over my future boyfriend. Everything was going to turn out perfectly.

At the moment, Ashton and Luke were outside, pushing each other in the swimming pool and laughing as though they were two years old. Ketchup came running after them, his usual barking loud enough for them to freak out and cling onto each other. I swear, it's like sometimes they forget that we own a dog, and that one of them picked it out. It's ridiculous, but so is life. I continued to watch the two goof off and it only made me grin even more. Luke most likely thought he was going to get his prince charming but he was wrong. He was beyond wrong, because Ashton isn't and never will be his prince charming, I will. I know this all makes me sound evil and like a piece of shit, but I really love Luke and I'd rather be with him than Michael. I don't even know how to like Michael more than a friend, which is why I can't just magically be his. Plus, after that kiss in my car, things have been awkward between us and it should just stay that way.

I'd casually glance from the clock, to the pool over and over again, adding up the minutes until we were able to go over to their place. It was making me anxious, since they were having as much fun as possible while Ashton and I were just boring ourselves to death. I wasn't sure what Ashton was doing up in his room, but I didn't want to know either. It was something he should keep to himself, and it isn't my business anyway. Eventually though, the clock struck five, meaning it was time to leave.

I grinned and grabbed the keys off of the hook, then opened the patio door out to the pool. "Luke, Ashton, it's time to go!" I sounded a little too excited when yelling that but I didn't care. This was going to be my night. I was going to go through the plan I spent weeks planning out in my head and it will make Luke smitten over me. He'll be so hung up on me that he'll forget Ashton was ever in the picture.


"So, how have you boys been?" Anthony was clearly sober for the first time in a while, which bothered me since I was hoping we'd all get a little drunk. I guess that partly takes away from my plan, but it doesn't matter. My plan is still going to be in action and it will work.

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now