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Thank you everyone for supporting Moonlight By The Sea. There was never a time that I'm not thankful. Writing for this story is truly an amazing journey.

See you all on my next story!


He could only feel the cold blowing on his skin as he sat down the chair beside the hospital bed. Kuroo's eyes wavered as he looked at Tsukishima's state. He tried to swallow the lump forming on his throat, but he couldn't. It only made his miserable feeling worse than ever.

"Kei..." He called out his name softly as if it would help Tsukishima.

His hand went to touch Tsukishima's. He shut his eyes close as he could only feel coldness. Kuroo brought Tsukishima's hands to his lips, kissing it gently. He used his other hand to rub over the back of his hand, trying to soothe the freezing feeling that Tsukishima might be feeling.

"Baby you need to wake up..."

Those words hurt him the most as he said it. He brought Tsukishima's hand to his lips once more as he try to fight the tears from falling, but he was defeat. His eyes were bloodshot and his shoulder shook as he sobbed.

A soft creak from the door was heard through out the room. He could hear footsteps coming in.


He stopped for a while, before he lifted his head to look at Tsukishima's peaceful slumber.

"What's the news?"

"There are still no signs of him waking up any time soon. We are monitoring his brain activity, and luckily we have seen very minimal activity." Tendou explained to him in an honest manner. "If the brain is functioning at its lowest stage of alertness, we can expect the worst things to come."

No. No way. There is no way that Tsukishima will die and leave him. Kuroo held his hand tighter as he closed his eyes once more. Its all his brother's fault.

"Does his family visit him?" Kuroo asked coldly.

"There were a few times where they would. But seeing that nothing has happened so far, they would come rarely. His mother would come to check his state, but his brother never came."

"Have the Kenma's men stationed around Kei's room. I don't want him coming here often because God knows what he can do."

"Don't worry, Kuroo. I am the only one who can access his charts and all. Aside from the personal nurse that you assigned to him."

He exhaled.

"I can't lose him," His voice shook as he said it.

He could vividly remember the first day that they met.

As he browsed through paintings after paintings, he could feel his boredom grew much bigger. There were a lot of people loitering inside the convention center, whom we heard speaking of some talented painter exhibiting his first few pieces in today's art convention. He didn't pay any mind since he was not an art enthusiast unlike his friend, who was seriously staring at each piece with utmost sincerity. Sometimes, Bokuto would ask him about his opinion about a certain piece but Kuroo doesn't really care at all.

As he dragged himself away from the current painting Bokuto is critiquing, he found himself in front of a large canvas. Hell, it was even bigger than him up closer. On it, was a huge circle imitating the soft glow of the moon, while there were horizontal lines in grayish and purplish hues painted below. There was a vertical line that starts right from the top of the painting and intersected with the horizontal lines. Now that he looked at for a bit longer, it confused him a bit whether if its a moon or if he is peering through a hole.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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