Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


To say that Tsukishima was tired was an understatement.

He was exhausted. No, if there are anymore words that could replace exhausted, it would be that. Tsukishima plopped his worn out body on his bed face down as another tiring day ended. He shifted from his position and his eyes immediately caught sight of how his once kept room looked like something else. 

His worn clothes were littered on the floor and paper from take outs were still placed in the side of his room. A long frustrated sigh escaped from his lips before he gathered his strength and cleaned his room. Time painfully passed by, and his head was already swimming in the clouds. Well at least now his room was clean.

Tsukishima picked up the folded clothes from the small closet near his bed. He never forgets to wear his hoodie whenever he tries to go out, even when he is going out to take a shower like right now. He took careful steps as he strode the hallways going to the shared bathroom.

He always goes around this time because there are almost no people that comes and takes a shower. Its also because its the only time he gets after using the entire day to find the beach house. Its been like this for three days straight. Leaving the ryokan early and coming back late at night. 

And he still has no leads as to where the goddamn beach house is. 

As he dipped his body on the warm water of the bath, he let it wash away his tiredness. But his worries remained. Tsukishima thinks that he is running out of time, and money as well. His patience was never long, but he thinks that this time patience is indeed a virtue. Shall he fail everything, the cost will be much more than he is losing right now.

The idea of Kuroo being the blurred man in his dreams never left his head. He wanted to deny it with all his heart but the resemblance was too uncanny. Tsukishima was mad at himself for not being able to see this right from the start, but he still needed proof. He doesn't want to disappoint himself anymore.

He sighed before lowering himself underwater. He was never good holding at holding his breath but there was that sensation again that kept on creeping on his body. When he submerged himself, the image of being under pitch black water appeared inside his head which made him jolt back up to the surface. Because of this, he struggled to cough out the water that came rushing inside his nostrils. 

He held support at the small rock stairs a few inches away from him. He coughed out and tried to wipe away water from his face before he weakly went back to a sitting position on the bath again.

Stupid. Tsukishima felt stupid. He bit his lower lip and closed his eyes as his mind drifted to the other things he was thinking about. The amount of panic he must have caused to his brother is enough to throw him off for a few days, but it has been almost weeks since he left. Its surprising that he is not seeing any familiar faces around the place he's been staying in. 

Though its not that he wanted to see anyone, he just needed this space to fully execute his plans. Until he finds the beach house and the light house. Finally finished with his hour-long bath, he went to bed with his body free from exhaustion. Knowing it himself, it'll just return the moment he wakes up tomorrow to continue his unending search for his memories.

"What can I get you?" A young woman smiled at her with a notepad in hand. Tsukishima moved to the side to put his bag beside him before he faced the woman.

"Set 1. But can you switch it out with miso ramen? I'd like to have karaage for the side."

The woman duly took not e of his order. Before she could leave, Tsukishima added another one.

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