Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


"There will be...a few changes within the company." Akiteru said with his intertwined hands placed calmly over the table.

Murmuring voices echoed throughout the conference room while confusion was painted on the faces of each members. Tsukishima crossed his legs from underneath the table as he watched the conference room fall into chaos. There were empty seats and he could only remember a few familiar faces from the last board meeting that he attended. The Miyas were absent, so was Kuroo.

He frowned as he threw his gaze over the seat where The Miyas were supposed to be. Did they predict that an internal conflict would happen overtime that's why they are ditching every single meeting? 

"What do you mean changes?" A man in a brown suit raised his hand as he asked a question. 

"As you all know, I have decided to hand over the CEO position to my brother, Tsukishima Kei. I think that with him here, TILE will become the great company it once became under our Father's authority. I believe that Kei here will manage, as he is ultimately competent in many things." 

Tsukishima almost let out a snort. His arms crossed over his chest as he welcome the glares and stares of the members. He smiled, a condescending one. Tsukishima never felt like this before. It felt like he could crush each and everyone else in this room with all of the information that he has. If he was his pre-amnesia self, he would've quivered under their gazes.

"This is ridiculous! Your brother? How can we be so sure that he can manage this company? We stayed in this company for years because of your leadership, Akiteru. I don't think that we might be able to stay at all, even if you want us here." Fukuyama Eichi, an old geezer in which ased on the documents that Akaashi gave him, has made cuts and multiple accounts just to cover the money that he launders.

"Then leave." Tsukishima stated nonchalantly. "If you don't want me managing the company because you prefer my incompetent brother, I suggest you should leave. You know what they say, birds of the same feather flock together. Incompetent people should stick with incompetent people, Fukuyama-san."

The man was left speechless, with his mouth hanging open. Tsukishima took this time and opened his folder and cleared his throat. 

"You think I'm incapable? Do you think an incapable person can dig out the dirt that almost of you old geezers in this room are hiding? I guess not," Tsukishima chirped. "Hmm, let's see. Money laundering...Ah! Look Fukuyama-san, it says here you laundered money along side with Itoji-san! My, my."

As he stopped beside his brother, he threw the folder on the table. "Not only Fukuyama-san and Itoji-san's names are listed in that document. We can go all day long discussing about how each and everyone of you made cuts from different departments and made it look like its still part of the company. All of you disgusting scum should be wiped off the face of the Earth, don't you think Akiteru-niisan?"

Shouts where heard. Tsukishima saw the defeated faces of the people he mentioned, the color drained from their face as well. With a lot of the members excusing themselves and hurrying off to leave the room, Tsukishima only eyed the few people that stayed. Tsukishima finally gave them an acknowledging nod, as if thanking them for staying.

"Why don't we discuss the projects that I have in mind?" Tsukishima said.

The sun was already setting when the meeting was dismissed. Tsukishima took this time to talk and thank the remaining board members. A few minutes were used to exchange pleasantries and experiences. As Tsukishima finally let them leave, he saw his brother talking over his phone with someone.

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