Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


They headed to the library. He almost forgot how beautiful the interior of this beach house was, as he eyed the dark wooden pillars that stood tall as they passed by. Tsukishima saw how Kenma twisted the brass doorknob to open the door that lead into a large library filled with rows of shelves. The spines of thick and thin books was the first thing that caught his eye,  as he scanned the titles from afar, the classics up to the contemporary literary works.

Kenma guided him into a small table enough for them to have space. Although he is thankful that he got his memories back, Tsukishima still finds Kenma's presence to be...well he doesn't know how to put it besides the fact that he feels awkward.

"Akaashi will be here in a few minutes. Do you want something to drink? I'll have it brought up here," Kenma asked him. 

Tsukishima stood a few meters away from the table. Kenma looked at him when he didn't respond to his question, but upon seeing his face he confirmed that the latter doesn't want anything.

Instead of sitting down like what Kenma did, Tsukishima faced the window to look at the unstill sea. The sky was in a ashy, galvanized color. It was raining. If only the window wasn'tthere, his face could definitely feel how cold the drops were. The winds rocked the waves slowly, but not the kind to induce strong ones that could envelope the shore. He saw the footprints that he left outside the beach house was being washed away by the tides. 

After a few seconds of silence the door was opened by Akaashi. He was carrying a brown leather case, the other leaving the doorknob to fish his ringing phone out of his pocket. Tsukishima eyed Akaashi who is currently talking with someone over the phone.

"I guess you're finally back?" Akaashi lifted his eyebrow as he walked towards the table to place the bag over it. Kenma sighed and motioned for Akaashi to stop talking.

Tsukishima frowned before he finally faced the two people. "Both of you knew about what happened but you didn't bother telling Kuroo?"

Kenma only looked at him with cautious eyes but Akaashi tilted his head. A small smirk crept up on his lips as he saw how his statement made Akaashi's face darkened.

"You don't get to say shit to Kenma. Didn't he tell you already? The trips he took that time were in private. I don't know what's wrong with you, Tsukishima. For all I know is that you should be the one who's thankful that we brought you here so you won't suffer the same fate as before."

"Akaashi, stop it..." Kenma said.

Crossing his arms, Tsukishima walked and towered over Akaashi. "I guess I should be."

Kenma exasperatedly sigh. "Can you two please stop? I get it Tsukishima. You hate me. But Akaashi, can you just drop it?"

The latter didn't listen and remained his emerald eyes on Tsukishima's. Tsukishima isn't one to back down either. As Akaashi let out a small click from his tongue, the man proceeded to open the bag he placed over the table. 

Akaashi handed him papers that he fished out from his leather  case. Tsukishima only looked at him cautiously before he accepted it and sat on the available swivel chair. Kenma sat across him, while Akaashi sat on his left. 

"This is the marriage certificate that your brother asked you to sign. Its fake by all means." 

Tsukishima eyed the papers. "But how did he got the shares?"

Akaashi brought out another paper and gave it to him. "Upon checking, he used your signature to show it to other board members to make it seem like you handed your company share to him  to gain their trust back. That's really smart of him, considering how dumb your brother is."

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