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It's Sunday. I was laying down, procrastinating on working out. Instead, I diverted my attention to Netflix, watching Pretty Little Liars. Well, re-watching Pretty Little Liars. It was one of my favorite Netflix shows, and I could never get tired of it.

My phone started ringing and I quickly declined it without looking at who it was. I also turned it on vibrate. It was Sunday. Why am I getting bothered... on a Sunday? It's not that I was antisocial. It's just that Sundays are me-days. My days. Nobody-fucking-bother-me day.

I began scrolling on Twitter, shifting my attention from the TV to my phone, laughing. Twitter was a hilarious ass app.

My phone continued to vibrate, and I looked at who it was while groaning. It was Jaden... my toxic ass ex. I ignored it again and continued to scroll on Twitter.

He called another seven times, and finally, I answered on his eighth try.

I admired myself as the facetime call began connecting, smiling, and even popping a lil titty. As soon as it connected, my smile dropped and I quickly repositioned the focus on myself, mugging the camera.

"What tf you want bruh" I said.

"Damn good morning to you too", he said while smiling. He looked so good... but I wasn't gonna let him know that.

 but I wasn't gonna let him know that

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"Jaden I'm busy bro make this quick... what do you want", lying my ass off.

"Pull up. We gotta talk".

My heart dropped. What do we have to talk about? I haven't done anything... I think. Even if I did do something unintentionally, I don't owe him any loyalty. I am single. ASF. I don't owe anybody anything and I can do anything I want. Plus, of all people, I certainly don't owe Jaden shit.

Jaden was my "first love" or whatever tf you want to call it. We went to high school together and dated my entire 11th-grade year. He cheated on me multiple times, including on the night of my birthday. My dumbass took him back, but of course, that did not last.

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