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"Compliments of the gentleman in the red shorts over there," the hot bartender said, sliding me a martini and pointing across the pool

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"Compliments of the gentleman in the red shorts over there," the hot bartender said, sliding me a martini and pointing across the pool.

"Gracias," I mumbled, looking up from the counter. He quickly winked at me before getting back to work.

I tapped on the counter with my fingers and sighed .

I turned around in my barstool and noticed a dark-skinned man leaning against the bar at the opposite end of the pool. He licked his lips and smiled at me, revealing a set of crisp white teeth.

I rolled my eyes and turned back around. I took the drink off the counter, turned back around, and raised it in the air as a way of saying thank you. I rotated again and jugged the drink down, slamming the glass back on the counter.

I was with child, but one drink wouldn't hurt.

I didn't want to think about Elijah and Honesty, and how I broke up their "happy home,".

I didn't want to think about my argument with Maliyah.

I didn't want to think about how I was going to raise this baby alone. I was already in love with them, and I didn't want to lose them for anything in the world.

I didn't want to think about how my parents would be disappointed in me when they find out.

And I definitely didn't want to think about how I'm spending my birthday in Cabo alone.

Completely Alone.

Nobody showed up at the airport on Monday. Elijah wasn't answering his phone, and neither did Athena. Levi never answered either, which really surprised me given that he's my best friend.

I definitely did not want to talk to Cam either. I expected a little bit of loyalty from him at least. I thought we were all friends, but I saw exactly where his loyalty lied. Which made sense, given that Maliyah was his girlfriend. It still wasn't fair.

During our argument that night, I know I stepped way out of line. I only panicked and didn't mean what I said. I wanted to tell her about Eli and me long ago, but I didn't know how. Elijah delivered me a couple of grams before, and I finally made my move after the first few deliveries. We've been sleeping around with each other since, and I caught feelings.

Serious feelings.

By the time Honesty came back into the picture, it was too late. Way too late.

I thought he cared about me the way I did him, given that he said he wanted to be with me and not Honesty. He actually said that.

Yet he was publicly claiming her, and not me.

Honesty piled her shit on top of that, which only made me feel worse. Truthfully, I zoned out when she was going off on me. I was sleeping with her boyfriend and the father of her kids. I couldn't say I got him first, because she did, but I was two months pregnant too.

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