3.8K 125 38


I don't even know where to begin...I don't want to sound cliché or anything but I never would have thought this book would have gotten this much support. I'm not the best person in the world and I definitely have a lot of issues going on within myself, and then with covid going on, college work, and all of life's other bs coming at me... I felt lost. I would do my schoolwork and sleep as a coping mechanism and although that may be productive, it wasn't healthy. I barely had any friends and wasn't involved in any hobbies or activities. I felt super disconnected from myself and felt like I had no purpose in life. I rejoined the Wattpad community amidst absolute boredom, and that turned into something I never thought it would be.

           I've always been very creative and had an active imagination, however, I really underestimated the power of writing a book right now. I always told myself I would write an autobiography/memoir in my early twenties because Maliyah's character is really based on me (minus the kidnapping 🧍🏾‍♀️).  An interactive Wattpad book where I see yall vote, comment, and give me feedback really would make my day. Even somebody adding this book to their random-ass reading list would make me feel all bubbly and happy. I barely used to smile and now here I am, grinning at the comments yall make or the messages yall send, giving me the support to continue.

           I started writing this book on March 11th, published the first chapter on March 17th, and finished writing fifty-eight chapters by April 25th. I had an attachment issue with this book and never went a day without dropping a chapter, and some days I even dropped two or three. In less than 8 weeks, not only have I written over 100,000 words but I grew an attachment to you guys. Especially to the select few who never missed a chapter and voted religiously.

Thank YOU so much!

If it wasn't for YOU, this book would not be #1 at uni, #2 at realestate, #2 at blacklove, and #3 at urbanmystery, with tons of other impressive rankings. I didn't even think anybody would read the wonders of my imagination. Trust me, the fun is far from over. I will be taking a small break to regain inspiration and finish out a few classes before I begin another journey with you all.

          I would like to personally mention localblackmidget  for really giving me the motivation and perseverance to begin and follow through with this book. Check out her book as well!

Please follow me on here to keep up with my upcoming books and announcements! Feel free to follow me on Instagram as well:


This is the end for Maliyah, Cameron, and the rest of the gang.

Please keep reading, voting, sharing, and most importantly, being a part of my community.

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