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A couple of days had passed since I have last seen anybody besides my Mama, Richard, and Marcus

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A couple of days had passed since I have last seen anybody besides my Mama, Richard, and Marcus. I also haven't been on campus. Emailed all my professors and told them I'm "sick."

"Sick" meaning chilling at home doing absolutely nothing.

Marcus and I were hooping earlier, and I was training the kid. We were now inside, watching TV waiting on Mama to finish dinner.

"Police in North Houston are investigating the nightclub shooting which left one dancer dead and an innocent bystander injured on Saturday night. Witnesses say-"

I quickly turned the TV off.

"Ayo, why'd you do that?" Marcus asked.

"The news ain't ever talking about nothing positive," I said, grabbing my keys and walking out.

"Boy where in yo right mind do you thin-" Mama started.

"I'll be back" I yelled over my shoulder.

I had to go visit Elijah. Now.

The ride was quick. I don't know it's the fact that I was pushing 80 in a 40 or if there was barely any traffic, but I reached my old neighborhood in less than ten minutes.

I passed by my old house and the mailbox. Pop's memorial was still intact and untouched.

I should have called Elijah and told him I was coming over, but I didn't think about it until just now.

Oh well. His house was my house.

I reached the house and parked in the driveway. Uncle Eli was sitting on the porch, smoking a blunt.

"I know this ain't my long lost son," he said as I came out of the car.

"Wassam Uncle Eli," I dabbed him up and gave him a hug. I haven't seen him since before the move, and it felt weird not seeing him every other day like I used to.

Uncle Eli looked exactly like Elijah, but older. His dreads were longer and he was darker-skinned. He was way taller too.

Pops told me that they used to hoop together. Even saw pictures of the two during their AAU basketball days. It was ridiculous.

Elijah's Mama was a cheerleader. Elijah's Mama was fine as hell, rest her soul.

She was tall, like supermodel tall, dark-skinned, and from Kenya. She was his literal queen.

Unfortunately, she died as well. Uncle Elijah was beefed up with the Mexican Mafia at one point, and they kidnapped her when Elijah and I were little kids.

They killed her.

Not only did Uncle Eli get them all deported shortly after, but he had their families locked up in ICE camps as well. They were soon infected with some disease, and they died.

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