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As Cameron waited anxiously inside the car, Maliyah was still in the basement of the warehouse, tied up to that same cursed bed. She has not been allowed out of that vile room and has been covered in her own tears, blood, urine, and other bodily excretions for ten days now.

She never knew what day or time it was, and strongly believed she was in an everlasting hell. Her self-awareness has been crushed into pieces, and her sense of identity was nonexistent.

Maliyah was broken.

She also has not seen the light of the day and was being rarely showered or fed. Naomi or Traco would come and bring her water and a fast-food meal every other day or so. However given her physical and mental condition, Maliyah would refuse to eat.

The older man who accompanied them was Traco's uncle, and he, along with Traco, would do sinister acts upon Maliyah repeatedly. The men completely disrespected her dignity, and Naomi knowingly did not aid her in the slightest bit.

Maliyah could no longer fight or cry, and would only repeat the following few phrases in her head as a response:

"I love you both so much," directed for her Mother and Mariama.

"I miss you," to Faevi.

"Thank you for making me smile," for Levi.

"You're dead to me," intended towards Elijah.

"I love you too," held deeply for Cameron.


"I'm so sorry," which was meant for Athena.

She sometimes had photographic images and memories of Athena flicker in her brain. She had promised to take Athena on a trip to Jamaica and would fantasize about them meeting on a breathtaking beach, eating oxtails and plantain.

Although Naomi never told Demetrius of their whereabouts, however she thought densely about it. Seeing the way Traco treasured Maliyah angered her, and Naomi was filled with pure spite and jealousy. Naomi was deeply in love with Traco. However, Traco did not show her the slightest bit of respect.

Everything Naomi wanted, Maliyah had.

She would often come into the room and slap Maliyah just for the fun of it, trying to gain Traco's approval. Maliyah could not fight back, given her chain restraints. In the beginning, rage and anger engulfed her, yet now she was numb and cold.

She didn't feel a thing.

Maliyah was weak.

Elijah and Demetrius were circling the perimeter of the building, whilst the secret investigation team Bilal hired was out in the woods behind the warehouse. Bilal was in constant contact with them, asking for updates on the current situation. They had surrounding checkpoint locations with vans on the ground and snipers away and in the air, ready for movement.

They anticipated and witnessed Elijah's arrival along with Demetrius' and Cameron's.

Bilal's younger brothers, Tariq and Hassan, got lost on their way here. After rerouting their GPS, they are currently on the way.

Naomi and Traco's uncle were currently loading hidden inventory onto the truck and planned to smuggle not only Maliyah, but hundreds of pounds of narcotics to Mexico as well. There were several other trucks and containers in the garage too.

"Naomi! Go change Maliyah into that black tracksuit you got," Traco ordered, coming out into the parking lot. He was sitting in his office making final arrangements before their departure.

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