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I needed to hire a secretary

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I needed to hire a secretary. ASAP.

I thought I could handle the workload, but I was mistaken.

The Tijjani-Ryad Royalties building is nearly finished, and the opening ceremony is being held this weekend.

Bilal wanted me to plan the entire thing, which I didn't mind. He flew in a few days ago to handle the last-minute touches on the building and didn't want me coming near the building until opening night.

He and I have had a couple of meetings over lunch discussing the ceremony, but it was all business professional and nothing more happened.

It was super tempting seeing his fine ass again, but I was dating Cameron. Bilal doesn't know that though.

It wasn't his business.

Just like Cameron didn't need to know about my past few encounters with Bilal. It was in the past.

I wasn't necessarily hiding anything. They just didn't need to know.

Business and relationships don't mix. Plus, Bilal said he wouldn't tell anybody, and so did I.

I spent all week finding and inviting Houston's top engineering companies, landscapers, carpenters, plumbers, painters, architects, and interior designers. I also hired a black-owned catering company to provide for the event.

I actually invited a lot of black-owned corporations, and really wanted to network with them the most.

Dr. Jenson, Faevi's mom, also gave me her guest list from the previous networking dinner a couple of months ago so I could invite the cities top-notch citizens, whom could be prospective clients and homebuyers.

I used my marketing skills and the connections I made from that dinner, to extend the guest list. My family and friends were invited of course. Bilal said the more people, the better. We had to make a solid impression on the market.

Several employees from his European locations were flying in as well. It was going to be a pretty big night.

I was also hosting the entire event. Like hosting hosting.

I was getting overwhelmed, and needed a damn secretary.

I posted flyers all around UofH's campus and career center. I was holding interviews every other day on campus to find one, however, I didn't like who I have come across so far. I even got on Linkedin and found a couple of potential hires, but nobody stood out to me.

I was very picky, and l didn't want to hire just anybody.

I definitely did not want to hire any of my friends. As I said, business and friendships and relationships do not mix.

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