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Maliyah thinks she's fucking slick. It was crucial pleasuring her and not being able to finish, but she isn't about to play with me like that. She thinks she's funny.

I'm ten times funnier.

She, Faevi, Naomi, Elijah, and I were all outside the hotel waiting on Levi to pull up with his car.

I'm praying it's his Mama's SUV or some shit because if he brought his little ass Altima I was gon strangle that nigga.

I didn't bring my car either. We all carpooled, saving gas and shit.

Speaking of the devil, the Altima pulled up.

"Dammnit" I mumbled.

"I call shotgun!" Elijah yelled. This man was such a kid.

Maliyah, Faevi, and Naomi all smacked their lips.

"Five seat car... Levi driving... Elijah just called shotgun...which meant three seats to four people." Naomi said.

"Thanks for stating the obvious babe," Maliyah said. I chuckled, and she glared at me deadly.

"It's okay, I can take an uber-, " Naomi said.

"No!" Faevi cut her off. "We're all leaving together and coming back together. Not wasting any more money on Ubers and shit."

"Maliyah can just sit on my lap," I said, and everybody stared at me.

I smirked. Nobody said anything. Not even Maliyah.

Levi honked the horn and rolled down the window.

"Are yall niggas getting in or what?" he yelled.

Elijah got in the passenger. In the back, Faevi got in followed by Naomi, then me, and then Maliyah on my lap. She didn't look at me once.

We were squeezed in tighter than some Mexicans.

"Yall better have my gas money too," Levi joked.

Everybody in the back smacked their lips.

"0 stars my nigga." Faevi said.

Elijah hopped on the aux and began playing "No Luv" by K Shiday & Enchanting.

Naomi was giving Maliyah and me a look, but I could care less.

I wrapped my arms around Maliyah's waist and began tracing my finger along the sides of her thighs and hips. She shifted a little, and I felt myself getting hard.

Now is not the time big fella.

He can't help himself, bro. He got a mind of his own.

She got on her phone, and I snatched it from her.

"Cameron stop-"

"Uht uht." I put my number in her phone and texted myself from it so I could have her number. She got me fucked up. I knew where she lived too.

I kindly placed her phone back in her lap.

Her dress hiked up a bit too, now at her knees. I began to pinch and grab it, causing it to hike up, even more, revealing more and more of her thighs.

She pinched my knee, and I ignored her. She leaned back, began slowly grinding and whining her hips against my member.


I was rock hard, and I wouldn't mind sliding this dress up and fucking her right here.

"Aye yall good back there?" Elijah asked, lowering the music and turning around, laughing.

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