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"I have a friend back home oya, she want her son to meet you Maliyah," Ma said while watching me do my hair in the mirror

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"I have a friend back home oya, she want her son to meet you Maliyah," Ma said while watching me do my hair in the mirror.

"Mum, I'm not marrying a Nigerian man-" I rolled my eyes. This is her tenth "friend back home" who's son wants to "meet me".

"He's offering $50,000-" she cut me off.

"Sama yone nekoujee! Dafa beugg kayete umi rekk," I cut her off. That's none of my business! He only wants his [citizenship] papers.

"Maliyah Khadija Tijjani! Deglou ma, I do not want you marrying an American man who can't do anything for you, you are not American, you must know your roots. You can help this man, and divorce him after five years for all I care," she scolded. Listen to me,

Certain conversations with my Ma were dumb, and I tuned her out most of the time.

This was one of those times.

Why would I marry a stranger only to divorce them later on? Very unnecessary, especially when I already have enough money flowing my way.

"Why are we even discussing marriage? That's no where near my mind right now Mummy, I have my business and my education to worry about. If he wants his papers so bad, you can marry him," I said.

She frowned.

"One day it's "focus on your studies," and the next it's "you need husband," oh! I'm tired!" I added.

"Nonsense! You are a woman of childbearing age Maliyah, you must play your role. You are lucky that no one knows of your condition back home, and that there are plenty of men who are willing to be with you regardless," she said.

I rolled my eyes again. She thinks just because I am no longer "pure", no one will want me. Somebody tell this woman we live in 2021, and not 1961.

"Play my fucking role my ass," I muttered.

I turned away from the mirror and faced her.

"Mum, respectfully, I do not care. I'm far too young for marriage, and I definitely do not care about anybody's opinion of me," I replied. I walked past her and back into my room, and she followed me.

She was aggravating me. I checked the time. Cameron needed to come get me already.

"Maliyah, you are becoming very successful, khalat ko rekk yo tamit nak," she begged. Maliyah, come on now, think about it.

"There's nothing in it for me, so what's in it for you? Seriously why are you so adamant about me being with someone from back home?" I asked, cocking my head.

Old Maliyah would have just said "ok" until she shut up, but the new Maliyah with her own bank account could do as she pleased.

Ma paused.

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