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          Seven months later, Maliyah successfully gave birth to Mikell Fathen Tijjani-Owens, a healthy baby boy, in Cameron's arms in the comfort of their own home. Maliyah was terrified of hospitals and pursued an in-home water birth. Mariama was holding her hand outside of the kiddie pool, comforting her and allowing Maliyah to release her pain by crushing her hand. Faevi was assisting the doula and the OB/GYN with Maliyah's delivery, with her other family members just in the gaming room upstairs. Levi was busy arguing with Azariah, Empress and Emerald about fruit snacks. Mrs. Owens and Ms. Musa were both pacing back and forth, anticipating the birth of their grandchild, often praying together. Doctors believed that given the previous condition of Maliyah's uterus, she couldn't carry this baby to term, yet her and her son proved them all wrong. They were inseparable from the start and Maliyah wouldn't let nobody, not even her own body, take her son away from her.

           Although the gang has suffered tremendous loses, it only brought them closer and strengthened their bond. Faevi and her man, Vincent, were married a month ago. Her newly profound husband was an amazing anesthesiologist, loved Azariah as his own, and they were all radiant together. Maliyah was her maid of honor, and Maliyah even flew the girls (her, Mariama, Honesty, a few of Faevi's work friends, etc.)  out to New York the night of her bachelorette party. Although Honesty and Faevi didn't get along years before, they had common ground when it came to their daughters and put their hate aside. Faevi was long healed from the betrayal of Elijah, and whenever she rarely thought of him, she was ashamed and embarrassed. She fell in love with their creation, and wouldn't trade her daughter for the world, despite her father being an embarrassment to society. Azariah, Empress, and Emerald were all the same age, shared similar features, attended the same schools, and were close, thanks to the cooperation of their mothers. Faevi and Honesty were successful at co-parenting, as their children were all sisters. As complicated as it may be, Faevi was joyful that her family came together, and that she was the successful nurse (advancing on being the head nurse too) she always wanted to be.

          Levi, now fully out of the closet, was still struggling to find a man. He ended things with Trey, his ex, after being at a gay bar and making out with another man. Old Levi would have lied to him and continued as if nothing happened however, Levi told him the truth of his infidelity and wanted to stray from his old ways. He was still struggling with commitment, however was working on becoming a truthful person. He still does not communicate with his parents, yet he has a family of his own: his friends. He lived in with Maliyah's and Cameron in their old penthouse rent-free, until he had enough money saved up to get his own apartment. He was the head engineer at Tijjani-Ryad's Houston location and worked closely with Maliyah. He even designed the building of Cameron's community center, in partnership with Tijjani-Ryad. He is truly still struggling with his negative traits, however it's okay because thats all apart of life.

          Cameron helped Uncle Eli get a job at a local agricultural center after his release, and he sees his grandchildren occasionally. The family reunions and encounters are sometimes weird, yet after their past, it was unavoidable. They put their pasts aside for the benefit of the children. Cameron's community center is exactly what Houston's young population needed. He is the resource he wished he had after his father's death: a place to go to find somebody to talk to. His anger issues have calmed down tremendously, and he goes to the gym frequently with Marcus, Levi, or even Maliyah as an outlet. He no longer uses 3-in-1 soap and is now on his shit, thanks to Maliyah. Cameron is nervous about raising their son, Mikell however, he is ecstatic to finally have a miniature version of himself shared with the woman he loves.

          Maliyah's businesses remained successful and unharmed, and she was proud of the woman she became. She had a glorious family, an independent prosperous position, and a stable support system which all contributed to her self-growth. She misses Athena terribly and not a day goes by where she doesn't think of her. She even named her son's middle name a combination of both Faevi and Athena's name: Fathen. Maliyah and her husband had more than they could have ever imagined and made sure to share their profits and give back to their community. Every six months, Maliyah would make a hefty donation towards charities and organizations which benefited orphans, black women and their education, and women who have survived traumatic experiences. Mariama, her sister, is currently an intern at her office and is planning on following in her footsteps & joining the business. Maliyah also sends money to her family back in Senegal and is even in the process of building Tijjani-Ryad locations all throughout Africa. She has achieved everything she aspired to, plus now having a son to raise, whom she thought she would never get to do.

the end.

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