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"Wassup?" I asked, answering the phone.

Mama was looking at me funny for being on the phone during dinner, but Maliyah called. Four times.

"Finally! What is wrong with you? Answer your fucking phone I could have died. Listen some random gas station ass nigga is following me, Cameron! I don't even wanna go in our neighborhood right now," Maliyah rambled.

"You dead serious right now?" I asked, taking a bite of my lasagna.

"Yes Cam, I'm fucking scared, I got my taser and shit but he's fucking weird! This nigga even knows my name and I don't know how," her voice trembled.

"I'm finna send you an address, meet me over there right now," I said.

I quickly sent her Elijah's address.

"Please don't hang up the phone Cameron, just stay on the phone with me until we both get there," she pleaded.

"No problem, give me a second," I put her on mute, and got up from my seat.

"Y'all, I got to go handle something. It's serious," I said, looking at her, Richard and Marcus.

"Boy, somebody's life better be in danger, cutting our dinner short and shit," Mama said. Richard placed his hand over hers and gave her a soothing look.

"Somebody's life is in danger. I'll be back later," I said, grabbing my keys.

Mind yo business woman, for real.

Richard had awakened from his coma a few days ago, and Mama was happy and wanted to celebrate every little moment together since then. I got shit to handle, respectfully. I can't be with y'all 24/7.

I took Maliyah off of mute, and walked out of the door.

"Where you at right now?" I asked.

"Driving to that location you sent me. Cameron, you better not be setting me up for real I'm too pretty to die," she whined.

"Girl hush," I said, getting in the car and turning the engine on. I quickly pulled out of the parking lot and began speeding towards Elijah's crib.

"Maliyah I'm about to make a call real quick, you about to be on hold for a second okay?"

"Okay, hurry up cause I'm five minutes away from reaching my destination," she mocked the GPS.

I chuckled, placed her on hold, and called Elijah.

He answered in a heartbeat.

"Yo nigga where you at?"

"I'm at the crib, wassup fool? You good?" he responded.

"Ian sure yet, listen Maliyah got some random nigga following her and she not trying to go home. I told her to meet me at your crib, that's cool?"

"Yea of course bro, Maliyah one of us," he said, which made me feel less anxious.

"You real, if she pulls up before me just go out and get her ight?"

"Ight," he said, and I hung up the phone, reconnecting back to Maliyah.

"You still here Maliyah?" I asked.

"Nah I'm over there," she replied sarcastically.

"He still following you?"

She was silent for several seconds and said yes.

"So how was your day?" I asked, trying to distract her from the fact that she was being followed by a creep.

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