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"I'm glad you were able to meet us on such short notice Mr

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"I'm glad you were able to meet us on such short notice Mr. Ryad," the lead private investigator, Det. Alice, said, shaking my hand. She was a short brunette woman with a pixie cut and a handful of tattoos. I didn't know whether to be scared of her or to give her a toy car.

"This better be good," I mumbled. It was eight in the morning. This better get back Maliyah by ten.

She led me into the conference room where a team of other investigators was scattered across the room. Det. Alice loudly cleared her throat, and her fellows straightened up. There was a bulletin board with photos and different colored pins and strings leading from one photo to the next, along with sticky notes of different colors.

"Please have a seat," she assured.

"I'll stand," I firmly said.

"Alright then..." she said sarcastically. She led me towards the front of the room, and directly in front of the bulletin board. I immediately noticed photos of Maliyah, her boyfriend, me, a few of her friends, and several other people whom I didn't know.

I didn't recognize them at all.

I motioned my hand towards the board and looked at Det. Alice and she jumped to her presentation.

"It has been ten days since the abduction of Maliyah Tijjani and the killing of Athena McGee. There has not been a body reported anywhere between here and a 500-mile radius, therefore we strongly believe Ms. Tijjani is still alive," she said, pointing at a photo of Maliyah. It was a photo of her on opening night in front of the podium, and she looked radiant.

"So where is she captain obvious?" I said, sitting in the chair.

She smiled sarcastically, and then straightened her face back up.

"This is not a random abduction, this was well thought out and premeditated by someone in her intercircle, someone in conflict with them, or someone related to them. We just believe Ms. McGee's killing was a tragic side-effect," she said.

I nodded.

I felt horrible about the death of Maliyah's friend. I paid for the funeral expenses and gave the McGee family a dense check, however, no amount of money could bring their daughter back.

I kind of felt bad for throwing my money at them, however I didn't really know what other way to help. I didn't know them directly, yet I know this is what Maliyah would have done for them.

"We directly looked into the victims' boyfriend, Cameron Owens, who has an intensive history of anger issues and serious PTSD. He was in therapy for a while after witnessing the death of his father. The night of the opening, he currently was arguing with Ms. Tijjani over an infidelity scandal, which led another woman pregnant. Yet he had no logical motive other than passion and forgiveness," she explained.

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