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Never had I ever spent the night with a woman, and not wake up to her the next day.

I was always the one to dip first.

Maliyah was gone, and I didn't even have her number to text her.

I'm not gonna lie, I felt like a bitch.

She was amazing at everything she did, and last night was fucking amazing.

I texted the group chat with Elijah and Levi, asking them where they were at.

No response. I wasn't finna wait on these niggas.

I got up and brushed my teeth, and contemplated my life in the mirror for a few minutes.

I had a different feeling about Maliyah. I liked her don't get me wrong, however, I didn't want to put my trust in a female.

This female at that.

I genuinely liked her and her pussy was amazing. She matched my libido.

The way she sucked my di- whoa shit.

Probably the best body I ever had.

She was my neighbor, which meant no wasting gas money to come see her either. I just walk out and I'm there.

She was quick to be rude to me yet quick to flirt with me as well. She was giving me bipolar vibes.

Nah but wait... she's soft and needs protecting.

Bro you sure? She just had a moment of weakness.

She's had a rough past, but she's definitely not soft.

Bro you barely know her.

We can get to know her.

Ight bet let's get to know her.

I showered and threw on a white shirt and some black sweatpants.

I walked down the hall and into the elevator, and there was with father and son there.

They had matching khaki cargo shorts and baby blue polo shirts on, both having blonde hair and crystal blue eyes.


The man stared at me as I entered the elevator as if he never saw a black man before. I stared back. I would've bucked at him, but I didn't feel like getting arrested for "assault" today.

I walked down to the lobby, and into the dining area only to find Levi and Elijah eating.

Without me.

"Ayo yall some fake ass niggas" I said, walking up to their table.

I sat down and took Elijah's waffle off his plate.

"What you mean," Elijah said.

"I texted yall niggas earlier," I said

"I forgot my charger man and Naomi refused to share," Levi said.


I went and got a plate of food, and came back.

"Bro don't tell me you fucked Naomi last night," I said.

"Why- aww naur this bitch is burning lad!" Levi said in a British accent.

I hope the fuck not.

"Bro I wasn't gon say that" I replied.

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