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Mama hasn't been sleeping and barely been eating. She was a mess.

I just got back from bringing Mama some food other than some sloppy hospital cafeteria food. The only reason I would go back home is to check on Marcus, who has been checked out of the hospital and is currently on bed rest back at home. He was recovering well.

Richard is still in a coma.

I parked the car in the driveway and walked into the house. "Marcus I brought pizza!" I yelled, placing four slices on a plate and walking towards his room.

I walked into a weird surprise. Marcus was in his bed and had textbooks sprawled out over the sheets. Mariama sat Indian-Style across from him. She turned her head and waved at me.

"Erm, hey Mariama," I said awkwardly.

"Hi...?" she cocked her head, exactly as Maliyah did. They were really true sisters.

"Cameron. Surprised Maliyah hasn't told you my name yet," I chuckled.

"And why would my sister know your name? Y'all friends or something?" she asked seriously.

Yikes. We were definitely friends.

"Yea you could say that," I said, looking away.

"Any word on my Dad?" Marcus asked, changing the subject.

"No update." I shook my head.

"Mamas, could you get me a bottle of water please?" Marcus asked, touching her knee.

She nodded and got up immediately, excusing Marcus and me. I don't know what exactly he was doing, but Marcus was a hoe, and I didn't want him messing with Maliyah's younger sister. I just got on good terms with her and I don't need her killing me because my little brother played her little sister.

"What is she doing over here bro?" I glared at him.

"She's helping me catch up on chemistry, I can't catch up on chemistry?" he shrugged.

"With Maliyah's younger sister?" I said sarcastically.

"With my friend who is also my classmate who lives next door," he said in response. He had a good point.

"Don't do no stupid shit with her for real, I already got something going on with her sister fool I can't have you and your playa ways interfering with that." I scolded.

"I know what I'm doing son," Marcus said in a deep voice. Mariama returned with a glass of water and a straw. I didn't even know we had straws. She walked over to Marcus and held the cup for him as he sipped from the straw.

"Mariama you don't have to do all that, his hands are just fine," I laughed and shook my head.

"I know, it's just fun playing nurse." she laughed. Marcus looked at me and winked behind her back. I shook my head and left his room, leaving the door wide open. They better not do anything stupid.

I sat on the living room couch. I didn't want to play the game or watch TV or do anything honestly. I could barely think straight these past few days.

I couldn't believe Jaden was dead. Karma was real. I wonder if Maliyah knew her ex died. I didn't feel guilty for punching this nigga for sexually assaulting her that night, nor do I feel guilty about him dying because he was driving drunk, and hit Richard and Marcus, of all people. He hit my family.

Maliyah had told me he also cheated on her three times, including on her birthday. She told me all about this nigga: the good and the bad. I didn't know if it's my place to call and tell her, but judging from her Instagram stories lately, she's been living it up. Fancy dinners and private jets and shit.

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