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African parents love to be at the airport six hours before the actual flight, and Ma's last-minute nagging is what got me out of the house

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African parents love to be at the airport six hours before the actual flight, and Ma's last-minute nagging is what got me out of the house.

She wasn't coming with me of course, but she damn near bought a ticket. It took hours of convincing to get her to let me go alone. I didn't blame her, but it's time to let your baby go, voluntarily this time.

The entire car ride there, Ma kept reminding me of prayers to say before departing and entering anywhere, aunties to go visit if I have time and special skin lightening cremes to bring back for her.

Mariama was worse. She was crying. Sobbing crying. I kept telling her it's literally only for a week but she made it sentimental and deeper than what it was.

"It'll be a week this time, then a month the next, then you'll be moving out, I come over and your apartment is empty, I call you to see where you at, and here you go telling me you in Prague or Milan-" she cried.

Whenever I saw my sister cry, I cried too. I couldn't help it.

"You're acting like it's a bad thing... imagine all the fun we'll have when I fly you out to come to visit me," I lied.

We held hands in the back seat while Ma drove the entire time.

By the time I made it to the airport and checked in my bags, the last stop was to go through security. Mariama and Ma could not go anywhere past that with me.

Ma rolled my carry on while Mariama held my purse, and I soon turned to face them, Mariama started crying again.

"Yama... it's seven days.. Please!!!" I begged.

She sniffled.

"Tu as ton passport n'est pas?" Ma asked. You have your passport, right?

"Oui, je pense que c'est dans mon sac" I replied. Yes, I think it's in my purse.

"No "I think," check now," she scolded.

I groaned as I walked towards Mariama and opened up my purse as she held it. My passport was in there. This is the fourth time Ma had me double-check.

As I looked up, I saw Levi and Elijah running towards me. Full-on sprinting.

"Oh my God," I muttered.

Athena and Faevi followed behind them, sprinting as well. They caught up to me, and had their hands on their knees, trying to catch their breaths.

Athena had her hands over her head. It was an athlete thing.


Ma looked at them funny. She already knew Faevi and Athena, but not Levi and Elijah.

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