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"Owens, Gomez, and Brown

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"Owens, Gomez, and Brown. I'm very impressed with your presentation. Great job," the interpersonal communications professor announced to the auditorium.

I didn't sit with Naomi and Ash anymore, and I left the project group chat. We did the project, had a threesome, and got a good grade. My business with them was over.

I didn't do cliques, and I preferred to distance myself from them. I didn't need them.

It's been a long weekend. Mama has been trying to cope and pick up shifts at the hospital to distract herself from Richards' condition, and Marcus been doing "physical therapy" with Mariama.

I have also been helping him get back active, dribbling basketballs and shit. Coach took him out for the season on doctors' orders, and he has been upset about that. Marcus was in the middle of a good season too.

It was now Tuesday, and Maliyah should have been home from her trip by now. I missed her presence. I'll check on her when I get home.

"Today's lecture will be on emotions and self-disclosure, so please access chapter seven in your textbooks and follow along as I present," the professor said.

I opened up my laptop and had my notes app on one side of the screen and the online textbook on the other. As she began to teach, it felt as if I was in a therapy session.

"One's emotional life is never endless, and it will always be influenced by the past and it shapes the way you feel after. Darwin's Biological Theory of Emotion states that emotion is biological, relating to your natural instincts and your energy," she continued.

I was typing away, actually listening, and soaking up the information. Why go to therapy when you could take psychology and communications classes? This shit was helpful for real.

After class, Levi texted the group chat saying to meet at the dining hall. Elijah's old ass wasn't even at UofH, so I know he felt left out at times.

Faevi made a group chat with the entire gang in it, which was her, Levi, Maliyah, Elijah, Athena, and I. Faevi was like the glue of the group for real.

After the professor finished her lecture, I began packing my things and headed out of the auditorium.  The dining hall was a five-minute walk away from the building.

I walked in and went to our usual table. Faevi and Levi were sitting across from each other, and Athena sat to the right of Faevi. I came and dabbed everyone up, placed my stuff down, and went to grab some food.

I came back with six cheese pizzas and sat in front of Athena, next to Levi.

"Ayo Fae, any word on Richard?" I asked Faevi. Faevi's mom, Dr. Jenson, was the surgeon who operated on Richard. Faevi would get information quicker than the nurses did.

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