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Athena was carefree and optimistic

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Athena was carefree and optimistic.

People like Athena don't get shot.

She didn't deserve to get fucking shot.

Maliyah still had a chance. There was still hope for Maliyah.

But Athena? Athena was gone.

I already had enough issues going on with getting kicked out by my people, and Athena's passing nearly sent me overboard. My mind wouldn't stop racing. It raced so much to the point where I dreamt about it while dozing off.

I was awakened by the door being opened abruptly. I jerked my head up from the desk and wiped the drool coming from my mouth.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Mr. James," Detective Alexander said coming into the interrogation room. He was accompanied by a shorter Latina woman, who wore a suit as well.

"Isn't it illegal to keep me here this long?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

I was annoyed, but I wasn't actually complaining. I was living with Athena for the moment and didn't know how I would manage to get back to her place. I didn't even know if I was allowed back at her place.

I didn't know the next step.

I knew I couldn't go back home though.

"You aren't in custody Mr. James. However, you can ask for a lawyer at anytime," the lady said, sitting down.

"And who is she?" I asked Detective Alexander.

"This is Lieutenant Gomez, my partner, and head of homicide. She will be working the McGee murder case and I am on the Tijjani abduction case," he replied.

I nodded.

"Can we get you anything? A coffee? Water? Trail mix?" Lt. Gomez asked.

These niggas got trail mix... bro what the fuck.

"I wouldn't mind a water," I answered.

Lt. Gomez turned and signaled towards the reflective glass mirror, and two light taps responded.

"Okay let us get started..." Det. Alexander said, placing files and notepads on the table.

"Please state your full name loud enough and towards the camera,"

"There's a camera?" I looked around.

Det.  Alexander pointed up into the top right and left corners of the room, which revealed two surveillance cameras.

That was common sense. Oops.

"Leviathan James," I semi-shouted.

"And where is your current place of occupation or educational institution?" Det. Alexander asked, beginning to write stuff down.

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