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I loved staying busy

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I loved staying busy. My priorities distracted me from my emotions, and right now I definitely did not want to think about my emotions.

Luckily, I had hella shit on my to-do list.

I've been catching up on schoolwork these past several days, and by "catching up" I mean working on assignments in advance.

It's a habit.

There was always something to do in the future, and I was saving my future self that time by doing it then if that makes any sense.

My time management skills were top tier, for real.

It was Friday, and I wanted to handle some affairs before the weekend.

I was in the car with Mariama, and I was running errands. She wanted to come with me, and she was good company. Sometimes.

I had just came from the bank, and officially opened up my own checking and savings accounts. It was completely separate from Ma's, meaning she couldn't pop in and "borrow" money whenever she felt like it.

Plus, Bilal had sent me my first check from my first closing settlement. If Ma saw that transaction, she would have told everybody back home I was rich, and here come the distant and stingy cousins pretending to be my friend.

I didn't need all that.

I told her I was opening my own account and of course, she threw a fit. One less line of access to my business. Personally, I think life is better whenever your parents aren't in your financial business.

Life is better when your parents are in your business in general.

Mariama didn't know either. I told her to wait in the car while I went inside and handled all of the banking arrangements. She was excited cause that meant she could sneak into the front seat and post on her story, making it seem like she was driving.

Bilal was super generous with this first check, and I had a FaceTime meeting with him about it. I had to make sure the numbers added up, and that he wasn't just throwing his money around at me.

The house I sold to his friends in Athens supposedly cost 3 million euros... and of course, realtors received a percentage of that.

I missed Bilal. I fantasized about him and the end of our trip a lot. Not only did he rail my pussy in Crete, but he continued to rail my pussy the entire jet ride back to Paris.

He even fingered me in first class on the flight back to Houston.


I'm glad he and I were in constant contact. It was business-related FaceTime meetings, but hearing his voice made me happy.

Oh no.

Bitch we are dickmatized.

Stop making this shìt personal.

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