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"I hope you know when you move out, I'm coming with you," Mariama said as she wand curled my hair

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"I hope you know when you move out, I'm coming with you," Mariama said as she wand curled my hair.

"Respectfully... no you're not," I replied.

Levi dropped me off a couple of hours ago, and Faevi's dad picked her up prior to that so she could get her car from the dealership.

The car ride with Levi was silent. I think he's afraid of me.

I came home and my sister literally jumped into my arms. I needed to get ready for tonight, and was tired of having my hair straight. I needed a change.

"You don't under how much I missed you," Mariama added. "So tell me what happened"

"Well, I met this guy..." I said

"Finally. About time you get some dick."

"Girl!" I gasped. "See I wasn't even about to say all that, nasty. I hope you're still a virgin bro."

"Of course I am," she said and winked in the mirror.

"Mariama I am so serious..."

"I am too," she cocked her head.

Ew. I didn't want to think about my sister- yea no.

"Before I was rudely interrupted, I was going to say I met a guy and he gave me a pretty promising job offer. He's picking me up tonight for dinner," I said.

"So that's why you got me curling your hair... you said you wanted to spend quality time with me," she said over-dramatically.

"Killing two birds with one stone," I laughed.

"Girl I will burn your fucking ear off right now,"

"Relax" I laughed again. I liked the bond I had with my sister. I remember when we were younger, we fought 24/7. Then one day she turned thirteen and we've been cool ever since.

"So that's all you did this weekend? Get a damn job offer? That's it?" she asked.

I was not about to tell her about what happened in the pool, what happened after the pool, and what happened at the club, so yea. That's it.

"Well, the guy took me to brunch. He's super good-looking, speaks French, his company is prosperous, he's rich, I don't know what more you want me to say,"

"You said rich? TAKE HIS MONEY... TAKE ALL THAT NIGGA MONEY... TAKE HIS MONEY!" she said, impersonating JT.

I laughed again.


"Seriously you need to be a fucking gold digger," she said.

Honestly, I wasn't a gold digger or anything. I hated that term. But I wasn't not a gold digger if you know what I mean.

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