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I decided to invite both Faevi and Athena out for dinner

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I decided to invite both Faevi and Athena out for dinner. We were meeting at a Chinese buffet.

I needed to tell them about my decision.

I was in the parking lot waiting on Faevi to pull up, and Athena was already with me. I decided not to tell Athena about what happened with Jaden, knowing that Athena would literally call her aunt/his mom and tell her that her son doesn't know how to act when drunk.

Athena and Jaden weren't close cousins. They only saw each other during family reunions and shit. Their parents were beefed up a lot, so Athena and Jaden didn't talk much or have a bond.

It wasn't until I started dating Jaden back in high school, when Athena, my best friend, said I was dating her freaking cousin. She said it was okay and not weird for her at all, so I didn't think much of it.

It wasn't until he started cheating and acting up, then she would use that cousin title to go and scold him. Athena would literally drive over to his house and yell at him for making me look stupid.

I didn't want to tell her about the pool incident.

I didn't want to make a big deal about it, and honestly, I wanted to forget about it.

I told her about Cameron though. The sex. The teasing. The sudden change in emotion that night of the shooting. I wasn't tripping about it anymore. It's been several days since I last saw him, and my feelings were long gone and out the window. He can get forgotten about too.

I literally didn't care.

She was excited for me. She wants me to pursue Cameron, and I told her my pride too high for all that. Plus, I'm busy.

Soon, Faevi's blue Mercedes pulled into the parking lot, and we got out of the car.

Athena and Faevi hugged and greeted each other, and we went inside to get our food.

I made myself a Caesar salad, oxtails and mashed potatoes with a side of vegetables. Faevi grabbed all the shrimp, sausage and potatoes she could. Athena just got herself a drink.

We decided to sit at a table, us all sitting on different ends.

We decided to sit at a table, us all sitting on different ends

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