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I woke up with Maliyah in my arms. She was still asleep, and had her thumb in her mouth.

I smiled.

For the first time this entire week, I felt good.

I felt more than good.

I was happy. Maliyah made me happy. Her positive energy was contagious, and whenever I looked into her eyes I saw joy.

I looked around and saw Elijah and Faevi asleep on the reclining chair together.

They looked really comfy.

I looked up and behind me to find Athena sprawled out over the couch. Levi wasn't in the living room.

I reached for my phone and checked my notifications.

Levi texted the group chat saying he had to go to church with his family. He also said that he had a horrible ass hangover.

Drinking Saturday night and church Sunday morning, that nigga was funny.

Everybody was drinking last night except Maliyah and me. I didn't want her to be left out.

I also had a couple of texts from Winter, who wanted to link last night.  I still had a grudge against myself for being with her during Richards accident. She been trying to link ever since.

Maliyah almost saw when she took my phone, and I know she would have asked questions if she found out about Winter.

She already forgot about that Naomi and Ash shit, but if Winter came into the equation too, I don't think I'll ever gain Maliyah's complete trust.

I knew we were both single, but I felt some kind of bond between Maliyah and me.

I couldn't stand the thought of her being with anybody else but me. I didn't want anybody else, but her.

I didn't know how she felt though. Just a couple of weeks ago she was telling me we were "just friends" and that we can't do anything sexual.

Yet, last night was a completely different story. All I did was finger her, but pleasing her in that birthing position made me want to do that for the rest of my life with her.

It was confusing dealing with Maliyah. She didn't know what she wanted.

I knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted her.

I've been doing better at evaluating my emotions and shit. I have been talking to my communications teacher, who is also a psychologist, and she's been helping me figure myself out.

I don't wanna call it free therapy though. I don't wanna admit that shit to nobody.

Maliyah shifted and I rubbed her back.

Elijah had woken up and slid out of Faevi's grasp. He winked at me, pointed at Maliyah, smiled, and I shook my head.

I needed to talk to him about Traco, but I didn't want to get up from underneath Maliyah.

"Check yo phone bih!" I whispered loudly, and he nodded.

I grabbed my phone and texted him.



7:39 AM

you heard anything on traco?

Not yet. Working on it.

i don't want him near maliyah. at all.

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