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I didn't know what time it was, but I knew that last night was one of the best nights of my life. My body was sore and I slept without my bonnet on, but it felt- wait a minute.

Wait a damn minute.

Reality hit me, and I jerked up from the pillow, looking at my surroundings. Cameron was knocked out, and he had his arm across my stomach. I reached for my phone, and checked the time.

12:46 PM.

I had seven missed calls from my mom, fifty-four texts from Mariama, twenty texts from Faevi, and one good morning text from Bilal, confirming if we were still meeting for brunch today.

Shit. Brunch.

I quickly text Bilal back, confirming our date for today, and he says he'll be at my room in thirty minutes.

SHIT. Thirty fucking minutes?

I pinch and remove Cameron's heavy ass arm from my body, praying he didn't wake up. He shifted a bit, and I quickly placed the pillow under his arm where my body was, and he quickly fell back asleep.


I headed down the hall and into the elevator in nothing but Cam's t-shirt, and did the walk of shame into my room.

I found Naomi and Levi in bed together. In the same exact position Cameron and I were in.


I wonder if Faevi knows.

I wonder if Camer- ew Cameron fucked this bitch too!

Well we don't know that for sure...

No time for that bitch go get ready!

I quickly brushed my teeth while the shower heated up. I got in, scrubbing the smell of sex off of my body.

Man did I miss my loofah, my body wash, and my entire skincare products. I have got to teach Cameron to get off of that 3-in-1 shit.

Teach? He is a grown ass man.

We not teaching him shit.

Yall are being mean.

What's mean is that 3-in-1 shit.

I dried myself off, applied lotion and slipped on a strapless sundress. No bra or panties. I then looked at the real problem: my hair.

Thankfully,  Athena's glue and installation skills saved my life. I had to text her later.

I brought my hot comb and flat iron, and began flat ironing my hair. I applied some lip liner and lip gloss, and threw that in my mini brown purse, which matched the dress.

I also spritzed some perfume on, and threw that in my purse as well.

I exited the bathroom, searching for my shoes. Naomi and Levi were still slumpt, and I got a text from Bilal saying he was outside.

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