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"They're all coming right?" I asked over the phone.

"Faevi said she's sick, but other than her we'll all be there Cam," Athena replied.

I frowned. That girl wasn't sick, she's avoiding me. Her secret ain't none of my business.

"You double checked the reservation right?" I asked again.

"Yea Cam, it's confirmed," she assured.

"The roses?"

"Already delivered to the restaurant,"

"The musicians?"

"Already booked,"


"Cam! Relax bro, everything is going go well. Stop stressing fool and go meditate or hoop or some shit," she fussed.

"My fault TeeTee, I just never done all this before and I don't wanna disappoint her," I admitted.

"Aww, Maliyah is going to love it. Trust me, she's never had somebody do all of this for her before,"

"You deadass?"

"Cam c'mon now, you know she hasn't dated anybody or been in a relationship in years. She's told you this nigga stop being dumb,"

"Okay but not even been on a date date? What about a hookup? She hasn't gotten any dick or something?" I asked.

"Nigga go ask her, I'm not telling you her business the fuck," she snapped.

"Athena come on, you know Maliyah is stubborn bruh," I pleaded. She paused for a few seconds, and then took a deep breath.

"She hasn't had sex in two years before you, and nobody has ever officially asked her to be their girlfriend, so you better not fuck this up Cam. You'll end up dead like the last no-good nigga she was with,"


I love dark humor.

"Yea yea, I hear you, I'll see you tonight TeeTee. I appreciate you for helping me plan this bro, you a real one for real," I thanked her.

"Just don't mess up Cam," she warned.

I hung up the phone.

"My booooooyyy in loveeeeeeee," Levi roared from the passenger seat.

"Nigga you a clown bro, I never even said that shit," I laughed.

"Bro I know! I got special senses, I'm like cupid in this bitch, the love whisperer-"

"We get it Levi change the fucking subject," I groaned. This was embarrassing for some reason.

"Nah bruh if you planning on what you doing tonight, you can't be all shy and shit. You gotta be courageous foo, like Hercules and shit," he said.

Levi had a point.

"You right,"

"On some real shit, I'm happy for you," he added, patting my shoulder.

"Dawg don't start this sentimental shit right now," I groaned.

"Nah I'm being for real, I haven't seen you this down bad over a female since high school,"

"Whatever you say bro," I nodded and continued driving.

Guilt was eating me up alive.

I keep trying to shove Winter and her "I'm pregnant," text to the back of my mind. I didn't know what to do.

Weak. (18+)Where stories live. Discover now