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7 PM.

"Yama you know damn well you have absolutely no business coming with me

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"Yama you know damn well you have absolutely no business coming with me. I don't even know why you tried to ask Ma" I said.

"Okay but you could have taken me as your date, I just want the food," Mariama pouted.

I was in the back of an Uber and was on FaceTime with my sister the entire time. I didn't want to take my car.

The event started at 5, but- actually, I had no excuse. I just didn't want to be the first person there. Didn't feel like it.

"I was surprised Ma even let you go to begin, it's not fair. I barely get to go out." Mariama complained.

"Bitch you're tripping. Ma was ten times more harder on me than she is on you right now. Consider yourself lucky, I lowered her expectations for you."

It was true. Ma didn't treat Mariama the way she treated me. Then again I didn't have an older sister to defend me back then either.

I always jumped into their arguments and defended my sister whenever she had a valid point.

Ma and I had our good moments, but it was often out of guilt.

"Text me the pictures you don't post on your story, always cover your drink, I left some condoms in your wallet, you got your taser right? "

"Gir- bye Yama, I love you",

"Wait I love you to-"

I hung up. She was a character.

I wasn't worried about tonight anymore. After I got home from Athena's and got ready, my confidence skyrocketed and my alter-ego unlocked.

I had on a thin material leopard dress, with thin straps and my back was exposed. The dress hugged my waist perfectly, and my back was exposed.

I paired it with a pair of nude heels and very minimal accessories. I was the main attraction.

I had meditated after my shower, just to lock in some good energy for tonight. Also, Ma said like 50 million prayers over me before I left, so I felt protected.

Soon, I arrived at the hotel, and I was shocked. The door was opened for me by the valet, and he kindly helped me out of the car.

I could walk in heels, but I was nervous.

Don't trip. Don't trip. Don't fucking trip.

There was a red carpet that led up to the grand entrance of the hotel, and the red and cream floral placements matched the aesthetic of the place.

I checked through security, allowing them to check my spend-the-nights bag along with my purse, verify my ID, and I was cleared to go.

The lobby was quiet. I knew I was in the right place, but I hope I wasn't too late.

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