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After brunch, Bilal dropped me back off at the hotel and said he had some business to attend to, and that he'll talk to me later.

I was glad because that meant I could go take a fucking nap.

We had more to discuss about his offer, and I couldn't agree more. I still had more questions, and not because I'm an over-thinker, but because it was a serious position.

I just wanted to be cautious and not make a mistake.

I walked into the hotel, greeted the receptionist, and entered the elevator.

There was a little kid and his father in there with me, and I didn't pay any mind to it until the kid started staring at me.

They both had on khaki cargo shorts and baby blue collared polo shirts on. They both also had messy blonde hair and ice-blue eyes.

His father wasn't looking, and the kid just kept staring at me.

I stared back. He didn't budge.

I bucked at him, and he quickly turned away.


The elevator dinged, and they got off at their floor. I stayed and eventually reached my floor.

I unlocked the door and came across Naomi getting ready in the mirror. I might have been in the middle of a mental breakdown last night, but I vividly remember her calling Cameron "baby".

I will beat this bitch up right now.

That's not your man?

We disassociating remember?

"Maliyah," she said, not moving a muscle.

"Naomi." I mimicked, entering the room. I took my shoes off and plopped down on my original bed, which had been made by the staff.

Naomi looked cute. I didn't know where she was going, but I wasn't about to ask. She wore tight leather pants which complimented her booty, and a black long-sleeved crop top. Her dreads were up, and it highlighted her facial structure. She looked really good.

If I was a broke hoe, I would have definitely stolen those pants.

I wonder if Cameron knew she slept with Levi. Hell, I wondered if Faevi knew by now if she slept with Levi.

It takes two to tango, Levi knows he wrong.

None of my business.

Faevi is your best friend, it is most definitely your business. I'll talk to her about it later.

I unlocked my phone and texted her.

Today 3:49 P.M.

"where you at?


"bitch be serious... where are you?"

"checking out this club i want us to go to later on tonight. you down?"

"hy. time?"

"be ready by 10 bestie"


I'm glad Faevi forgot to ask me about last night. I liked to avoid my problems and Faevi detested that. She and Athena have that in common. They treat themselves like my therapists, and neither one would let me bottle my emotions up. As frustrating as it may be, I appreciate them for that.

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