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After dropping Maliyah off, I drove straight to Elijah's crib. I had a lot on my mind, and I didn't feel like talking about this with anybody else.

Levi would tell Faevi for certain, Athena and I weren't close like that, and I couldn't tell Maliyah.

I'm in love with her, and I know she's not in love with me.

I couldn't tell her that yet though. We've only been dating for several weeks, and I didn't want to move too fast.

I never fell this fast for a woman before. She was amazingly talented in every part of life. She was my personal pornstar, masseuse, chef, and my secretary in one. She was a nympho, and I loved that shit. She also gave me the worlds best massages whenever I would be sore from the gym. She would bake cookies and shit, and bring them to me. She also helped me organize my files in my laptop.

She even made me a character in her Sims world.

It was the little things that would hold such a weight on me. They had a huge impact on how I felt about her.

How could I not fall in love?

She was amazing.

However, she doesn't want to get married or have kids in the next two years. Yet I wanted to be with her. I was sure of it. I wanted her to have my son.

Our conversation in the car clearly told me she wasn't ready for that anytime soon, which pissed me off a bit. I was used to getting what I want when I wanted it.

Maybe we could nut in her?

Nah remember bro she said she would kill your baby with no remorse.


I could wait. It could work. I don't know if I'm patient enough to wait on her though. Look at Dearra and Ken. They have been together for five whole years. They get engaged, and then Ken chea-

Oh. Damn. Not a good example.

Dearra was a solid female and forgave him though. Maybe Maliyah would forgive me if I ever cheated.

I wouldn't cheat on Maliyah though.

She's smart, and even gave me the motivation to get my business together, so by the time we be together, we'll be financially stable.

I planned a date night on Friday to ask her to officially be my girlfriend. We would go out and eat and shit at little fast-food restaurants, but I've never taken her out on a date date. I wanted to do it before her businesses' opening ceremony, which was on Saturday.

I already set reservations for it and everything.

Tonight I wanted her to meet my Mama. Mama has met a couple of girls, but none as special as Maliyah.

I kind of told Maliyah short notice too, but honestly I was avoiding asking her this entire week. I didn't want her to say no.

I stopped at a red light, and looked to my left.

Traco's car was stopped right next to mines. He was smoking a blunt and was holding a handful of blonde hair in his hand. I looked closer, and he was getting some head.

I chuckled and shook my head. This nigga is a mess.

He met my gaze, made a gun with his fingers, and shot at me. The light turned green and he sped off.

I haven't talked to Elijah since before the gas station situation, and I needed to tell him what had went down. We haven't gotten around to it. He been busy taking his girl to pregnancy appointments and shit, whatever them things called.

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