Chapter 35 - It's time to reconcile

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‘Letters from the Sky’ – Civil Twilight

‘The Heart Wants What it Wants’ – Cover by Our Last Night ft. Craig Owens

It’s time to reconcile

Dakota sat on the bed, the lights were dim in her room as she was supposed to be sleeping but she was wide awake. Asher sat in the corner, his phone in his lap and a wicked smirk on his face. She glowered at her reflection, she wanted–no–needed to leave. The question that continued to hurtle through her already crowded mind was; how? 

How was she going to get out of this literal hell? She was trapped, four walls in her room within a maze of more walls. Twenty-four hour security on her door not only because was she a celebrity but she was still considered ‘dangerous.’ Dangerous to herself and others, the notion disgusted her. The hospital itself was only her first issue, the second was her complete lack of memory of everything and everyone before her stint in that revolting shipping container. 

Dakota felt her entire body tense at the thought of the stagnant container with little fresh air, no natural lighting and a never ending supply of bugs crawling all over her. It was cold, it was damp and it was beyond terrifying, every day–no–every hour she spent in that container Dakota lost a little more of herself. She lay on the bed, clutching the sheets that wrapped tightly like snakes around her limbs, and stifled a terrified sob. 

She was paralysed with fear when she thought of Jacob Manning, her so-called saviour and what he was really thinking behind his glassy eyes. She was afraid if she let on what she knew, that they were not her rescuers but her wardens, that they would take her away again. 

Her muscles were tense and posture rigid as she held on tightly to the sheets, her knuckles white and eyes threatening to shed an onslaught tears. But she would’t cry, not in front of them

Dakota closed her eyes, tightly and tried to focus on what she knew. She knew she was in trouble and she knew she needed nothing more than to find those boys with their names in lights and thousands of people tracking them at all times. But how? 

Asher snorted, watching a video on his phone and Dakota felt a shudder crawl under her skin. At this point she didn’t know what was worse, the bugs that crept upon her skin in the shipping container. Or Asher.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes and stretching as if waking from a deep sleep. It was hard to keep the hatred from her eyes, the retched feeling that overcame her when Asher’s deep eyes met her own. 

“You’re awake,” he smiled as locked his phone. 

She clicked on the light on her bedside table, “What…” she feigned ignorance. “What happened?” Her voice shook, she didn’t have to force the fear she felt in his presence, it was real. 

He brushed stray strands of his blonde hair from his eyes, “You passed out.” It was a blunt sentiment, he sat forward in his chair and offered no explanation. 

She frowned, “Oh.”

He stood up, a soft smile planted on his lips but the look in his eyes sent another roll of disgust over her pale skin. “You’re not well.”

“I’m free now,” she mumbled and felt for the long locks of brown hair she no longer had. Her hair, another casualty in her memory loss… in her life dissipating like smoke in the night air. 

“Yes, baby,” he replied softly his voice as smooth as velvet. “You’re safe now,” he walked to the edge of the bed and bit his bottom lip as he took her clammy hand in his. “I’m here.”

She closed her eyes, the tears she fought hard to keep from falling began to drip from her face. “You’re here,” she replied with a shaking breath. 

Dakota wanted to feel safe, wanted and safe but she felt cold and isolated. She eyed the pile of magazines scattering the floor around her bed and focused on the five boys, their glossy smiles. She wanted to recognise them, willed her mind to remember something and when she came up empty she felt like screaming. Please remember, please

He brushed a calloused hand through her short hair, “I really love you, you know that.” His words dripped with insincerity, his eyes were so deep and so empty it made her sick to her stomach. “I never want to lose you again.”

“What did you do when I was gone?” She asked, the words falling from her lips before she had a chance to stop them. 

His hand froze, resting on her cheek “I, I looked for you everywhere.”

She feigned a softness, letting her face rest in his hand. “I bet you did,” she said. 

“What does that mean?”

She shrugs. 


She blinks up at him from her lashes, “I’m starting to remember you.”

He smiles, “Are you?”

You idiot, she blinks “Yes.”

“Do you remember how I made you feel when I did this?” He asked, his hand trailing down the side of her face and fingers brushing against her protruding collarbones. 

She shuddered inwardly, each touch of his fingers on her skin made her want to scream out in horror and disgust. It took every ounce of self control to remain silent, she recalled so many articles calling her former self a liar.






She closed her eyes, I’ll be that girl. Dakota hoped she knew how, she also wondered why anyone would care for her when it appeared she was such a horrible human being. 

His breath caught, her hospital gown gaped and he could see her breasts. She wanted to flinch, cover herself up from his predator gaze but she forced her hands by her sides. 

“I’m not ready,” she struggled to keep her composure and hide her fear. 

He laughed, a deep rumble that erupted from within his chest. His hand slid down her top, his cold fingers brushing against her nipple.

She slapped his hand away, “Don’t touch me!” The words a snarl, the escaped her mouth fast and her eyes widened. The game was up

Something changed in that moment, his face once soft now stiffened and his lips pressed into a thin line. He returned his hand to her breast, she tried to smack it away again with more force but he was faster. His large hand clenched around her wrist, tightly, twisting. 

She winced, “You’re hurting me.”

“You know, don’t you?” He hissed, spit flying from his lips and onto her face. There was menace in his eyes, his hand tightened like a cobra around its prey and Dakota waited for her wrist to snap cleanly in two. 

“Know what?”

“Don’t fucking play dumb with me,” he inched closer. “You know what happened, don’t you?” 

Her eyes welled with tears and her lip quivered, “You’re scaring me, Asher.”

“Shut up,” his free hand raised and he slapped her in the face. 

Her head jerked back, she yelped and instantly tasted the bitter blood welling in her mouth. “Asher–“

He shoved her, pinning her down. “You played me,” he hissed and grinned wildly. “Now it’s time for me to play with you…” 

She tried to scream, he covered her mouth and yanked the blankets back. In that moment she realised she couldn't be the brave girl, the resilliant one with a smart mouth and vipers tongue. She was small, she was frail and she was deathly afraid. 

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