Chapter 38 - 'Cos I found a place underneath your heart

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‘California Dreamin’’ – Robot Koch & Dehlia de France (This song will give you chills) 

‘Glorious’ – Foxes

‘Dark Paradise’ – Lana Del Ray 

‘Cos I found a place underneath your heart

The hand clamped on her mouth pressed down with brute force, she chocked on the screams trapped in deep within her lungs. His eyes were full of menace, wild as he stared into her face and let out a guttural laugh. Dakota tried to swing her legs, break free, but he pinned her down. Asher had the upper hand, not only was he onto of her but he was healthy. He hadn’t been locked away for months with little food and no sunlight. Dakota’s bones were brittle, her heart heavy and her body slow. She wanted to scream but every time she tried to he pressed down harder on her mouth.

“Don’t you fucking dare.” He warned with a snarl, Asher was like a nightmare come to life. 

He looked like Niall, well, he kind of looked like Niall. But Dakota had to hope that the Niall who knew her would never hurt her. I have to get to those boys, the frightened girl in her mind hissed.

His heated breath on her neck sent shivers of disgust down her spine, her mind ran rampant as she tried to find a way out. Her wide eyes darted around the room, his silhouette loomed above her. She wanted to sob in a heap, her body trembled with fear but something deep within her roared to life. As if being struck by a bolt of lightning she was filled with a fierce determination to make Asher pay and to escape. 

Dakota needed to know the truth, about who she really was, who took her and who those five boys in all the glossy photos were. Her life a myriad of puzzle pieces but no answers in sight, she was old enough to know that magazines are lies and beautiful people spread all over the pages. She didn’t know what was true and what was fake, deep inside, she knew those boys would know. Wouldn’t they?  

He straddled her like a lover, his hips grinding against her and his breaths heavy. Tears rolled down her heated cheeks, she looked past his shoulder and prayed that a nurse would come in, save her. Then something happened that she did not expect, a pair of cerulean eyes as wide as her own peered through the glass of the door. 

She’d seen that face before, it took Dakota a moment for her exhausted mind to catch up and she realised it was Niall. Niall from One Direction, Niall who was furious when he saw Asher lay a hand on Dakota. Her Niall? 

She tried to scream, loud and long, beg him to save her. He just stared, a blank expression on his face and his mouth gaped open. In the reflection she noted the glimmer in his eyes as tears crystallised and fell down his face. 

She was so afraid, so confused but when she saw the look in Niall’s eyes something momentarily came alive within her. Then, in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

Dakota, unable to do anything looked like she was having sex with Asher, Asher’s body blocked Niall from seeing the hand on her mouth. She hated Asher for this, for hurting her and keeping her trapped like a small bird. Dakota hated Asher most because she saw the look in Niall’s eyes, the way colour drained from his face and his hands dropped to his sides. She didn’t know why, she didn’t understand who he was or what she meant to him but Dakota saw something break. And it hurt.

Her chest heaved, aching and heavy as she realised she had to find him. He came to save her and just like always, or what she’d read about herself anyway, Dakota ruined everything. This isn’t your fault, this isn’t your fault! Her mind screamed, Dakota was depleted and Asher began to kiss her neck.

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