Chapter 45 - What am I supposed to do?

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Hey my gorgeous readers, I've decided after a long writing hiatus that it was totally unfair not to give the boys their ending to this series so I am back and writing indefinitely, it's my passion and I've missed writing the boys and my readers far too much. Share the modest love lets get this show on the road!

What am I supposed to do?
The world stopped, one minute the party was raging, the next all hell broke loose, literally. Zany sat slumped on the ground with Saskia's hand in his own, they didn't look at each other. They couldn't face the past, yet somehow Harry saw the promise of a future in their eyes.

Harry held Louis in his arms, the music freed them from conversation, from regrets and the chaos of their lives. They were simply two heartbeats combined, slowly moving and saying nothing. After the way Louis had kissed him in the shadows, there was nothing left to say. His kiss said it all.

Harry saw Niall over Louis shoulder, he passed the dance floor in a blur. He had a hoodie on, the grey hood pulled over his head to hide his puffy eyes. Harry had seen that look before, shadowed eyes and a dark expression. When Niall was on a downward spiral there was nothing and no one who could pull him from that dark place. It was as if his veins turned to ice and his heart to stone, he became isolated and impenetrable.

Harry sighed, loudly and Louis raised his head from Harry's shoulder. "Hey?" He hushed with a soft smile, his big eyes were dreamy and his lips plump from the passionate, sordid kisses they shared earlier. "What's wrong?"

"Niall," Harry replied as he placed a kiss to the tip of Louis nose. "He's in a mood again," he finished.

"Isn't he always, these days?" Louis replied with a tired expression.

Harry couldn't help but feel a jolt of irritation, defensive on behalf of Niall. Deep down Harry was reminded of how he used to behave, his constant drinking and attitudes. He was heartbroken, just like Niall.

"Cut him some slack," Harry scowled and he stopped dancing to look at Louis. "He's had it rough."

"I know," Louis replied and rested the palm of his hand to Harry's flushed cheek.

He let out a sigh, somehow seeing Niall in the midst of turmoil was like looking in the mirror. Though he feared for Niall, faced sleepless nights unable to think of the right thing to do. Internally he cringed when he saw Niall, he was seeing the burden he placed on his brothers. Was I really this bad?

His eyes narrowed, his mind taken to far off places. A waiter with blonde hair and a deep laugh pushed past, an armful of beers. Harry mindlessly took one from him, the waiter smiled and it made him jerk back in surprise. "Logan?"

He blinked in horror, his hand raised to his mouth as if to catch the words that fell. Dee

The waiter smiled, "Can I get you anything else Mr. Styles?" His eyes a deep blue and studied Harry's face with no comprehension of the name Harry uttered, Logan. He waited for Harry's reply then blushed, swiped the blonde hair from his eyes and walked away.

Louis' hand slipped into Harry's and his own brows furrowed. Harry could feel Louis studying him. Feel that burning look of consternation on his face. Harry flicked the cap off the bottle with his thumb it fell to the ground he took a deep gulp, the strong liquid went smoothly down his throat.

Louis didn't say anything, he stared at Harry and waited. It was like they had finally grown up together, gained a deeper understanding of how the other worked. Instead of being jealous or concerned, Louis was patient. Instead of expecting Harry to break down in an instant, he held on for the both of them.

"I'm here," he whispered.

Harry smiled, "I know." He pulled his eyes away from the waiter, away from the memories that haunted him when he had flashes of Logan. He bit his bottom lip, so thankful for Louis. At the same time Harry felt overwhelmed with how much their lives had changed, how much their lives would change again in the near future.

Zayn sat to his right, against the edge of the rooftop with a cigarette balanced between his fingers, his eyes stared straight ahead. Harry could see he was concentrating hard, listening. Saskia sat only inches from him, her hand gently resting on Zayn's thigh. Harry caught his breath. It was the first time he had seen Saskia even look in Zayn's direction without malice.

Louis kissed Harry's cheek, pressed his lips to Harry's and he was so familiar, so warm. Harry melted into Louis' embrace the way ice melts in the sunlight. They combined, two became one and after all these years. After everything that happened between the two, somehow they made it through the other side.

Louis fingers pulled on Harry's hair, his grip tight and Harry let out a soft groan of approval. The music hummed in the night air, the stars danced on a blanket of darkness. Harry felt whole, complete and he wondered if this wedding was about healing. Healing relationships, healing the wounds of lost loved ones.

Louis grew hard against Harry, he pulled away and smirked. "Well, Louis if you keep this up I'll run out of steam!"

He laughed in reply, pressed his body harder against Harry. "You're just so fucking hot, fiànce!" Louis' eyes were bloodshot and his smirk became crooked, like it always did when he was drunk. His hand slid down Harry's chest and began to stroke against Harry's growing approval.

Harry let out a guttural growl, "Not in front of everyone!" He groaned, "Can you imagine? TMZ would have a fit."

Louis squeezed his hand, his expert fingers trailing down and up whilst he chuckled. "Since when has that ever stopped you?"

In an instant fireworks erupted into the sky, Harry let out a wince as Louis pulled his hand away. He wasn't sure if his wince was in disapproval or relief. His cheeks burned red, the heat trailed down to his neck and he let out a long breath. The alcohol churned through his body, his veins alight with lust and joy.

People cheered, Harry pressed his lips to the top of Louis' head and let out a deep sigh. He had a smile on his face, Louis' hair smelled like cigarettes and shampoo. He relished the moment, being with Louis. Watching as the sky illuminated with thousands of glittering specks that exploded before their eyes.

Zayn stood up, he was talking to Saskia as he bowed his head and pointed to the stairwell for Harry to see. His hair was dishevelled, his steps unsteady but there was an element of strength in his stance. His body was strong, though his mind a little inebriated he appeared to be accepting his faults. Finally understanding what amends he needed to make, if Dakota had taught them all anything it was that time is short, regret is everlasting.

Zayn was facing his mistakes head on and Harry smirked, they'd be fucking soon after she forgave him. Zany was a god to women, beautiful and charismatic and very well endowed.

Harry nodded, "Maybe tonight won't be so bad after all..." he pondered.

Louis kissed his neck, "Maybe not..." He smiled to himself, "We have each other."

"Yes  babe," Harry replied. "Yes we do."

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