Chapter 19 - Lullaby

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Harry was on the couch with Flynn in his arms, the babbling baby rested on Harry’s thighs as he gripped handfuls of Harry’s unruly hair. Harry winced but let Flynn at it, he cooed at the baby and grimaced whenever Liam and Jennifer’s moans grew a little too loud upstairs. The running water of the shower muffled little, Harry could her in excruciating detail every groan and each shuddering howl that wafted down the staircase. 

Zayn was on the seat to Harry’s right with his bad leg resting on the black coffee table and a Playstation controller gripped in his hand, even with the headset on the clap and bang of guns shooting wildly in his game weren’t enough to drown out the insatiable lovers. Zayn yanked the headphones off and scowled at Harry, “Jesus, poor Flynn will be traumatised.”

Harry snorted, “Flynn will be traumatised! What about me?”

Zayn chuckled, pausing the game to turn his body to Harry. “Oh, please. Harry we have all been tormented by the sounds of your headboard slamming against the wall.”

Harry blinked, “No you haven’t.”

Zayn burst out laughing, “Oh really? So the other night you were just fixing furniture while Louis screamed?”

Harry turned to Flynn and pinched his pink cheeks. “Don’t listen to uncle Zayn he’s just jealous because he’s got blue balls.”

Flynn giggled in response.

Zayn laughed and rolled his eyes. “Fuck off, I am not.”

Harry turned his attention from Flynn in his blue onesie as he fisted another handful of Harry’s hair and yanked as hard as he could. “So tell me–“ he let out a howl, “Flynn, that hurts.”

Flynn just yanked again.

Harry continued, despite the searing pain coming from his scalp. “When was the last time you didn’t just tug one off while thinking of Bradley?”

“Not!” Zayn hissed, “In front of the baby. For God sake Harold.”

“Well?” Harry lifted his eyebrows. 

“A while,” Zayn huffed. 

“Exactly.” Harry paused, deep in thought and then said, “Maybe this Bachelor thing won’t be so bad.”

At that remark Zayn threw the remote on the floor and dropped his leg on the floor with a wince, “Really?”

“Really,” Harry said earnestly. “I mean, it’s really good publicity for the band.”

“Says the gay guy who isn’t being forced into the arms of desperate women that–“

“You and I both know,” he lifted Flynn into his arms and sat up. Flynn was mumbling as he played with the chains around Harry’s neck, they jingled together and seemed to keep him occupied. Harry only hoped they didn’t suddenly choke him at the hand of his beautifully strong nephew. “I have been there, done that.”

“You mean Dakota?” Zayn asked. 

Harry nodded, “That’s exactly what I mean.”

“Don’t you think the fans will wonder why you and Louis aren’t on the show?” Zayn sighed, he picked up the glass of diet Coke off the table and drank, “Think about it.”

“I have,” Harry said. 


“And I think Louis and I should do it, too.”

Zayn chocked on his drink, some of it shot out of his nose like a cannon and the rest dribbled down his chin. Flynn burst out laughing, jumping up and down in Harry’s arms and clapping his chubby hands as if waiting for Zayn to do it again. “You’re not being serious?”

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