Chapter 5 - The heaviest of weights

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The heaviest of weights

Harry glared at Quinn who folded her arms with a smirk, she raised an eyebrow as if challenging Harry and he accepted. He stepped closer, fists clenched and on some level knew he needed to keep his mouths hut. But knowing he needed to stay silent and staying silent were two different things. Louis was in the back of his mind, as if his energy was holding him back. Harry sucked in a breath, as he looked Quinn up and down. 

Her eyes glinted with a hint of disgust, the corner of her mouth turned up in a smirk. Her skin was like liquid ivory and her cheeks slightly flushed from the alcohol. Eye makeup was smokey but the edges were smudged and her long eyelashes fluttered as she stared at Harry, not daring to back down. Freckles littered her cheeks, as she watched Harry she brushed her chocolate hair behind her ear. 

Then Harry stepped back, Louis in his ear telling him she wasn’t worth it. Reminding him that he was here for Niall, not to satisfy Quinn’s temper. He relaxed, his fists unclenching. The bass of music rumbled deep in his chest, let it go, let it go

He almost did. 

Then Logan, a whisper in his ear so distinct it made his blood run cold whispered. ‘Defend me.’ Harry took a step back, his smile dropped and Quinn took a sip of her beer as she watched him carefully.But Logan taunted him. ‘The Harry I know would never put up with this.’ 

Suddenly Logan was his vice and Louis his virtue.

Harry shook his head, combating those same voices that were his only company in rehab, his phone began to ring again. He rejected it. 

“I told you to leave,” Quinn broke the silence after she drank some more beer. 

Harry’s upper lip pulled up in a snarl, almost like a dog and he stepped closer. He tried to block Logan’s voice out of his head. Harry had been holding in so many emotions for months, his anger and his sadness, his addictions and his deepest regrets. Every time Quinn pushed him, he lost his resolve a little more. Hold on.

“Listen,” she said now inches from here. “I don’t want you here, in fact…” she raised her hands. “I can’t believe you had the balls to step foot in this place.”

“I didn’t–“

“What?” she shook her head. “You come to gawk at the place where Logan blew his brains out?”

Harry’s jaw dropped, his heart now racing as a wave of nausea rolled over him. 

“Or to blubber a half hearted apology?” She snorted, “I don’t want to see you and Niall sure as hell doesn’t want to see you.”

Harry snapped. “Don’t fucking tell me what Niall wants.”

“Or what?” 

“Where is he?” Harry hissed.

“He doesn’t want to see you,” she said. Her face was blank, as she studied Harry. “Logan killed himself because of you Harry, I hope you know that.”

“Fuck you!” Harry barked in reply but it was half hearted, his voice broke. Harry breathed in deeply, trying to control the hammering in his chest and the desperation to slam his fist into her face. Harry would never hit a girl but when he looked at Quinn, and saw the disgust in her eyes he lost his resolve. “I never wanted Logan to die, I never wanted that to happen!” He swiped at his eyes, “I miss him every single day, don’t you dare try to tell me it was my fault.”

“You broke him.”

“You have no idea what he and I shared,” Harry snapped in response. 

She laughed, “Wow. Some relationship you had. Caused him to kill himself.”

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