Chapter 47 - I can't hear you through the white noise

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'Exit Wounds' – The Script

'Stay Awake' – London Grammar

I can't hear you through the white noise

People are shouting, they say her name and try to rush to her but everything is muffled. The music is too loud, the lights too bright and she's in shock. Harry stared at her, his eyes wide and he opened his mouth to speak but Louis screamed her name.

They pointed to the roof edge, a hooded figure stood with arms open wide. Her heart sank, she didn't know him but she felt the pain of regret. Her body slapped awake with sudden determination that dripped through her veins like a drug. She closed her eyes, her body shook and two hands rested on her shoulders.

She turned, Luke, the only familiar face on the roof smiled down at her. His smile was crooked, forced. She could see the cracks in his resolve, his eyes damaged with the pain and fear of Niall's future.

He leant close, breath hot on her neck. Luke whispered in her ear, "You have to try."

"I'm afraid," She confessed.

"I know," he replied, softly but his hands tightened on her shoulders. "It's going to be okay..." his voice faltered.

Harry laughed in disgust, he glared at Luke. "Okay?" He shook his head, eyes narrowed as he raised his voice, "Do you think it's going to be okay if Niall ends up on the pavement?"

Louis grabbed Harry's arm, desperate as his eyes flickered between Dakota and Luke. "Harry–"

Harry flung him off, "He's too far gone. We're all broken and now he's going to fucking die!"

Dakota started to cry, afraid of the person who's photo she'd memorised over the past weeks. This wasn't what she expected, the pressure was building in her chest like an expanding balloon.

"You're scaring her," Luke hissed.

Harry scoffed, "Niall's scaring the hell out of me."

"He wouldn't–"

"Jump?" Harry snarled, "He's so fucking broken he's got nothing left."

"Harry, you're not helping anyone right now." Louis stepped closer, ignoring the way Harry tried to shove him away. "We all need to stay together, stay calm."

"I can't watch someone I love go over the edge," he looked at Dakota. His eyes searched her face, desperate for recognition and almost willed her to remember. "Not again..." he whispered.

She closed her eyes, recalled the articles about her disappearing off the edge of the rooftop only two years ago. Recalled the vigils, the articles written about her life and her death. She saw the photos of Harry's stricken face, the videos on YouTube of the boys and fans crying at her funeral. The way Harry broke down, as if he were unable to contain his grief. They've already lost so much, she thought and a wave of sadness overwhelmed her.

Silence screamed between them, Dakota swayed on her feet. Reality crashing against her so hard she could barely breathe. Her head throbbed and her heart ached to take away all the pain she'd caused, both past and present.

Louis ran to the roof edge, Harry's attention flickered to his bandmate on the rooftop. Niall waved his arms in disgust and screamed at him to stay back.

Another strange face appeared in her blurred vision, a tall stranger with skin like mocha and tattoos on every inch of him. He swayed on his feet, eyes wide as he gasped her name, "Dakota?"

"Zayn..." she stared at him.

His eyes widened in the joy of being recognised, she shook her head. "I know your face."

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