Chapter 17 - She gave it all

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‘Goddess’ – Banks

‘Maps’ – Maroon 5

She gave it all

“Liam,” Jennifer was out the door ignoring Jacob as Liam began furiously mumbling as he paced in the hallway. 

The soft grey carpet being crushed under the heavy weight of his steps, his face was flushed and his chest rose with indignation but he couldn’t seem to catch his breath. Jennifer looked at the meeting room, frosted glass shielding her from scowling faces of the bandmates and her work colleagues. She was on the precipice of making the wrong decision, she was hanging on the edge of the unknown. Jennifer had been trapped between her duties as the Publicist and her duties as the lover and mother of Liam’s child. Fucking asshole

It took one look at Jacob to see he had orchestrated the entire thing, the corners of his lips turned up in arrogance. Jacob was the puppet master, his staff the strings and the boys were helpless…so am I. When Jennifer caught the air of importance that wafted off Jacob like overpriced cologne she did not trust him. When she saw the glint in his eyes, that hunger for success and greed for power she knew her gut was right. But it wasn’t until he threw her under the bus, in full view of her team and her clients that Jennifer realised it was game on. 

The heavy slam of a door made Jennifer jump, she blinked and Liam was out of the hallway and on the balcony. He leant against the railing, the corded muscles of his arms peeking out of his black shirt. Liam stared down at the city below, suffering from indecision and betrayal all locked tightly in his chest. The anguish Liam and Jennifer were both feeling was delivered in a silver platter, courtesy of Jacob Manning Incorporated.

Jennifer left Liam, she knew when he needed to be alone and she could see the tension rippling off his body. So she lingered in the hall and rested her head against the wall. Jacob’s muffled voice rolled under the door followed by Harry’s aggrieved bellows. Jacob’s laughter grated against Jennifer like nails on a chalkboard, he was an A-grade sociopath…the thought led her to realise how much she, no, they all needed Dakota. If Dakota were here she would spit remarks live venom, weave threats like a spiders web and whilst filing her perfectly manicured nails play Jacob’s game until he was begging for mercy.

What would she do? Jennifer bit her bottom lip to stop it from quivering, missing Dakota was endless. No matter how much time had passed nothing changed, Dakota was family. I miss you.

Zayn slammed his hand on the desk, Drew’s bitter laughter followed and ate away at Jennifer’s control like acid. If she fought them, if she went in there like the crazy girlfriend she would lose her job. Then Jacob would have the power to send her elsewhere, or restrict her time with the boys when they travelled. Jennifer wouldn’t have that, she wanted Flynn growing up surrounded by his family and his father. 

If, on the other hand she played Jacob’s game maybe she could win? A smile crept upon Jennifer’s lips and she straightened her back. I am the most fearsome and renowned Publicist in the industry. He can’t fuck with me, if I get him back. She smiled now, beaming with confidence and channelled her inner Dakota as she walked towards the balcony.

She opened the door and Liam turned around, he began to tell her where she could go until he realised it was her. He relaxed, slightly but his frown deepened when he saw the glowing smile on Jennifer’s face. 

Her rosy cheeks flushed as she stepped closer, he opened his mouth, “What are you–“

Jennifer put her small hands on his cheeks, her thumbs stroked against his lips and she whispered. “Shh,” she leant closer and silenced his questions with a fiercely passionate kiss. 

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