Chapter 6 - Why can't I keep my fingers off you baby?

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‘Drunk in Love’ – Beyonce (feat. Jay Z)

‘Never Gonna Change’ – Broods

Why can’t I keep my fingers off you baby?

The sun had fallen from the sky, the room was washed in a dark haze and Jennifer opened her eyes slowly. She was groggy from sleep but the sound of cooing from the next room gently roused her. She yawned, glancing around the room everything was in it’s place and the world was still. She dreamt of Dakota, of meeting her on the park bench that was theirs so many years ago. Jennifer dreamt nearly every night that she would go to the bench, watching the river slowly moving and glittering in the sun. It had become cold, a sad place because every night Jennifer would dream of waiting for Dakota and every night Dakota wouldn’t come. Jennifer would wake up with a heavy weight in her chest and tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. 

Tonight she dreamt that Dakota had shown up, sat down in torn clothes and offered a small smile. ‘Where have you been?’ Jennifer asked. Dakota simply took Jennifer’s hand and smiled, she never said a word. Jennifer pulled her into a tight hug and Dakota was thin, her boned sticking out of her skin like knives. Jennifer’s bottom lip trembled as she whispered, ‘I miss you.’

Then she woke up, now the room was quiet and Flynn’s tiny laugh rippled through the cold air. Jennifer pulled the deep purple duvet up to her chin and her knee’s curled up to her chest. She rested with the sight of Dakota in her mind, trying to focus on her best friend and recall every detail about her face. But she couldn’t recall it all, the longer apart they were and the harder it became for Jennifer to hear her voice, remember the way her brows would knit together when she was worried or angry. 

Jennifer rolled over, Liam was right beside her and she smiled at him. “Hi,” she whispered. 

Liam said nothing for a moment, he inched closer and rested a hand on the side of her face. His thumb brushed along her temple, gently and then he kissed her. “Hi beautiful,” he replied. 

“I saw her,” Jennifer sighed. 

Liam closed his eyes, pressing his lips to her forehead. “She’ll come back to us.”

Jennifer frowned, “I wish I believed you.”

Liam slung a heavy arm over her and stared into her eyes. His eyes were a mixture of mahogany and rich chocolate, when he looked at her she lost all composure and her thoughts swiftly disappeared. Lines of caramel colour flecked his eyes and left her breathless, Liam Payne was everything to her and sometimes it scared her how much she loved him. He pulled her until her face was pressed against his chest. 

Jennifer closed her eyes, revelled in the rhythm of his heartbeat and began to relax. Since Flynn she had been an emotional mess, overwhelmed by motherhood and exhausted from lack of sleep. On the contrast she was between tears and hysteria the longer they all went with no news of Dakota. To think, Dakota was in the hallway and so close to being safe but something happened and she went outside. The thought that Dakota might never see her Godson broke Jennifer’s heart. 

Liam noted her tension, so he held her tighter, “I’m right here.”

She was drunk on his scent, his cologne wafted around her and she was intoxicated with him all over again. Then she thought of the engagement party only two nights away and she was filled with a pang of excitement. 

“What are you thinking about?” He whispered. 

She smiled, burying her grin in his chest. “Nothing…”

“Hmm,” he chuckled. “You’re lying.”

“Not,” she shook her head and yawned, “Just half asleep.”

Modest Oblivion - Book 6 (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now