Chapter 13 - Been there, done that

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‘I am not an End’ – Montaigne

Been there, done that

Niall didn’t make it very far from Zayn’s house before security picked him up, his grand notions of waking Dakota from her amnesia was good in theory but Management wouldn’t allow it. Management were on top of the boys and very, very aware of their mental state of mind. Jacob would not let another ‘Harry’ episode happen again, particularly because Jennifer was on the staff board and so close to the boys. She was the driving force behind keeping the boys on top of things, keeping them sane and have an insider look at what was really going on. It was no surprise that the boys had little to no trust of anyone in Management, after Rachel and Valerie they struggled to trust anyone. Jennifer was the exception, so she worked tirelessly to keep the boys in line, keep her child and relationship to Liam hidden and try not to have her own breakdown along the way.

Bradley, the boys’ former psychiatrist and Zayn’s former flame was replaced by a very witty but strict man named Knox Hudson. Jacob was very insistent in the recent staff meeting that he be the one to choose the new shrink but Jennifer didn’t like his attitude, in fact she didn’t like anything about him and decided to challenge him. Jennifer didn’t trust Jacob, so she hand picked Knox Hudson and with many of the other staff members on her side Knox was chosen. He worked with Harry’s former shrink at the rehab facility and they had done everything to keep One Direction and Harry from the papers. Their tight lipped procedures and constant determination to help Harry get better had convinced her that Knox was a good choice. Harry wasn’t so sure but he was yet to air his grievances in public.

Jennifer left a five a.m for Modest Headquarters’ she kissed Liam’s sleeping forehead as she climbed out of bed and dressed in a slimming black dress. She wore a white blazer and her hair in a high ponytail, it was long and draped below her shoulder blades in thick curls. She hadn’t honestly had time to even consider a haircut since she found out she was pregnant and now she looked like a mermaid with her golden hair almost down to her waist. She fastened a small red bow in her hair and slipped out the door, the moment she stepped into the driveway her phone was going off the hook.

She climbed into the SUV and thought of poor Flynn, it was his second night with the nanny and she missed him. Missed his baby smell, the way he always yawned and woke with a big smile. His blubbering and his eyes would light up whenever Liam was around. She made note that after today, after she saw Dakota with her own eyes she would go back to Flynn. She needed him as much as he needed her, being a successful woman came with its downfalls. Missing her baby boy was one of them, hiding her relationship with Liam was another. 

Fucking fame. Fucking, stupid rules.

Fog swirled in the morning air as she turned on the car, her phone began to ring and she connected it to bluetooth. “This is Jennifer,” she said as she placed her coffee in the cup holder. 

“Jennifer, it’s Jacob.”

She frowned, “I’m on my way.”

“How are the boys?”

“How do you think?” She scoffed, what a stupid question.

Jacob silenced for a moment, “Niall?”

“He needs to see her, Jacob.” She paused as she pulled into traffic and added, “no matter if she remembers him or not. These rules you keep making up aren’t helping their opinion of you.”

“I didn’t ask you for your opinion, Jennifer.” He snarled, his voice full of self assuredness and she hated that about him. She hated he was so sure of himself, so cocky and would strut around like a prize winning rooster. She was waiting for him to fall from grace, or, if he didn’t fall then she planned on pushing him. 

She gritted her teeth, “What do you want Jacob? I’m on my way.”

“I need you to call the boys into a meeting,” He said and she heard the familiar click of a lighter as he lit a cigarette.

“What?” She said, almost losing concentration as she drove. “Do you know what time it is?”

“Yes,” He replied. “I do.”

“Why do you want them at this hour?” She was genuinely curious but she was worried he would tear them away from Dakota even more. 

“I need them to understand the new contract,” he stated. “I called in Knox to talk to them about…”

His pause made her stomach turn, “What?”

“About Dakota.”

“Why?” She said, breathlessly. 

“Well, there’s been a hitch.”

She felt sick, her blood ran cold. “What do you mean hitch?”

“Just call them in,” he said and hung up.

She growled loudly and slammed her hands on the steering wheel. She wanted to slap his smug smile off his face or at least kick him in the groin. Without Liam to calm her down she took in three deep breaths, I will not let him get to me. But he already had. 

She called the drivers and the boys minders Luke and Richard, they were on their way to collect the boys.

She pressed her phone once more, and spoke, “Call Liam.”

‘Calling Liam Payne,’ her phone replied and it began to ring. 

Four rings and Liam answered, he sounded groggy and she felt terrible for waking him up. “Jen?”

“Hey baby,” she said, “I’m so sorry to wake you.”

“Everything okay?” He yawned and she heard him flick on the light. “Babe, I didn’t even realise you’d left.”

“You’re tired honey, it’s fine.” She replied with a small smile, “I’m so sorry to do this but can you wake the boys?”

He paused, “What’s happening? I thought we were going to see Dakota when the hospital opened for visitors at eight…” He groaned, “Shit. It’s five in the morning.”

She shook her head, I will kill you Jacob. She knew how tired the boys were, she knew how Niall was coping, which in truth wasn’t at all. Jennifer also knew that Harry and Louis were trying to help her plan her engagement whilst also planning their own wedding. Jennifer knew far more then Jacob did, she knew how Louis was blaming himself and how Harry was struggling to come to terms with Dakota’s return. She knew Liam was finding it near impossible to play pretend for the camera, to joke about girlfriends for the fans when really all he wanted was Jennifer. She knew it all, yet Jacob who knew nothing strode in with his cocky smile and demanded the world of the poor boys. 

“I know,” she replied softly. “Can you do it?”

“Of course,” Liam replied, “You okay?”

“It’s not me I’m worried about, it’s Flynn being away from us. It’s the media circus you’re about to be shoved in and it’s Dakota…it’s Niall.” She swiped at her tear filled eyes as she pulled up at the traffic lights. Jennifer turned her attention to her coffee and sipped the hot, delicious liquid as she waited for Liam’s reply. 

“I know,” was all he said. “I love you, I’ll wake them now.”

“See you soon, baby.” Jennifer hung up the phone and began counting her breaths in an attempt to keep from killing Jacob the moment she saw him. 

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