Chapter 27 - But all the wisdom doesn't help me now

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‘Born Bob Dylan’ - The Veronicas

But all the wisdom doesn’t help me now

4 Months Earlier

Her body was as heavy as a bag of rocks, and her eyes felt like they had been glued shut but slowly sounds began to drift back through her ears. Her head was groggy, heavy but her mind was empty and every thought seemed as useless as the last. Her body ached, legs from running and hands bruised from fighting. Her body shivered, she was covered in goosebumps and honestly couldn’t remember the last time she was warm. 

Dakota blinked in the darkness, the constant dripping of water from a busted pipe was her only solace. Her stomach grumbled, she groaned in agony because she couldn’t remember the last time she had eaten. Tears rolled down her face, think of him, think of him. But his face was growing distant, his laugh and the sound of his voice a distant memory. Niall was just out of reach, she squeezed her eyes shut tighter. Where are you? 

His voice, his accent used to fill her with hope and life the heavy weight from her heart but time was moving forward and life went on without her. Dakota cried for the last words she had spat at Niall, the way she’d tormented Louis and the fact she’d never seen Jennifer’s baby boy. Most of all, however Dakota cried for herself because her life had become a dark misery. I’ll die in here

She was kept in a shipping container, pitch black with only a blanket and bottles of water. Every once in a while there would be the loud click of the door and the heavy groan of metal as it swung open. If it weren’t for the fact they held a shotgun inches from her face and a blinding torchlight in her eyes she would have fought back. 

But the feel of the slick metal against her temple, the click of the safety being turned off froze Dakota with fear each and every time. She cursed herself for not being brave enough, cursed her sister for being caught up with the wrong people and prayed to die. Dakota had resigned herself to being trapped in the container until her hunger drove her to madness, until Niall’s name was the last thing on her lips. 

Dakota shuddered, pulling her knee’s to her chest and slowly rocking back and forth. She wondered what Louis and Harry were doing, were they together? Were they happy? She tried to picture what Jennifer and Liam’s little boy looked like, blonde or brunette? Tears swelled in her eyes as she thought of Zayn, blood pooled around him as he screamed in pain.

“My fault, all my fault,” She muttered shaking her head. 

Tyson Manning was insane, he had Daisy wrapped around his little finger. If he screamed her name she would come running, she helped him steal expensive cars and sell them to foreigners. Daisy wanted the rush, she loved living on the edge and that’s why she and Tyson had such a diabolical relationship. 

But Dakota couldn’t be Daisy, she couldn’t let Tyson touch her when Niall was all she could think of. She followed his plan, down to every last detail. She walked into the lobby of the bank ten minutes before closing and one by one took the guards out. 

With her face, it was easy. She wore a tight green dress and black leather gloves. She would bat her eyelashes and ask them for the time, lips curved into a wicked smile. When they went for their watch, she would grasp their hand and yank them forward while placing a handkerchief covered in Chloroform over their mouth. Yes, they struggled but one of Tyson’s ‘guys’ was always there to catch her victim. 

Dakota was unhappy, she was in love with Niall and fighting with Porter. She hated Louis and hated herself, Logan was dead and she was feeling the heat. Yes, Tyson had yanked her into his world with a few commands and the click of his fingers. She was under his spell, so joining in a bank heist got her blood pumping. Made her feel alive again. 

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