Chapter 7 - You said you'd never ever break

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‘Fragile’ – Tech N9ne (feat. Kendrick Lamar, Mayday & Kendall Morgan)

You said you’d never ever break

4 Hours Earlier

Sergeant Matthew Vega sat with his sunglasses on and his head resting against the seat as the hum of traffic sped past, he let out a long yawn feeling more like a trapped animal then a Police Officer. He hated Sunday’s, one day before the hellish week would start again with sleepless nights and long hours of overtime. The smell of coffee wafted with cigarettes in the small car, he looked over at his partner Voss who was staring at the speedometer and waiting patiently for someone to fly past. 

Matthew loved being an Officer, it had always been his dream but being a Highway Patrol Officer was boring. He hated the steady flow of traffic, the way every person pulled over either argued or was compliant and nothing exciting seemed to ever happen. Being on Highway Patrol was a rite of passage for the police officers, first they were paper pushers and next they patrolled the highway, long hours and most of the time nothing at all happened. Matthew preferred the hustle of working in the city, the constant change of situations that needed to be fixed. After all, Matthew could never fix his own mess of a life which is why he dedicated himself to helping others. 

He let out a long sigh, “How much longer?”

Voss smirked, doing so revealed the wrinkles next to his eyes that always appeared when he smile. “Three hours,” He tapped his watch. Turning his eyes back to the road, “There’s still time to catch someone.”

Matthew rolled his eyes, “What going under the speed limit?” He asked sarcastically and lifted his tired feet onto the dashboard. Voss didn’t reply only offered a small laugh, Matthew inspected his shining shoes glinting in the hazy sunlight. 

“How long do you reckon we’ll have to do this?” He asked, “You know. Patrol.”

“Until they decide they don’t hate us!” Voss said, he sipped his cold coffee with a groan and gazed at the cars driving past. 

It was almost peak hour, if there were no erratic drivers or drunk goons howling down the freeway at excessive speeds then it could be a potentially draining day. Matthew yawned again, sick of staring at his phone and scanning Facebook. Then as he closed his eyes the radio began and he sat up, his interest piqued. 

“7186 this is response centre, we have a report of a missing girl found wandering along the River Thames, blonde and just under six foot. Do you copy?” The voice was cool and calm, the familiar crackle in her words as she spoke through the radio. 

Voss picked up the hand-held receiver, “This is 7186 we copy.”

Matthew glanced at Voss, “You think it’s serious?”

“Don’t know,” Voss said in response.

“7186 the BOLO has been out on this girl for over five months. Though, we are yet to confirm her identity. The Jane Doe is confused, very malnourished and in torn, bloody clothes. She is pale, walking around and few have tried to approach though none successful. We have an Ambulance on standby, are you in range to go to the girl?” She said. 

Matthew raised his eyebrows, waiting for Voss’ response though his heart was racing as he tried to figure out who it was. It couldn’t be…her. Could it?

“We copy, on route to Jane Doe. Will report in soon,” Voss replied in his smooth tone. 

“7186 on route, received.” She said and then the radio silenced. 

Matthew swore, “Shit.”

“Daisy?” Voss sighed, “She was brunette, wasn’t she?” He asked as he started up the engine and the car roared to life, within seconds they were speeding down the highway. He eyes Matthew off and shook his head when Matthew pulled out his phone, “I wouldn’t. Not on the job.”

Matthew nodded, “I hear what you’re saying but this is…” he clenched his jaw searching for the right word. “Personal.”

He dialled Abigail’s number, lawyer and…what was she? Lover? Girlfriend? He swallowed as it began to ring. 

She answered and snarled down the phone, ‘Matty, I told you not to call me after you fucking just walked out last night. You can’t just sulk and go sleep with other women to make me jealous, I don’t work that way. Oh and another thing, you left your clothes here and I accidentally threw them out the–‘

He bit back a wince at her words, “Abbie,” he began. “Abbie listen, this isn’t about–“

She laughed, bitterly, ‘don’t you dare say about “us” because there is no “us” as far as I am concerned you are a scared little boy and–‘

“Abbie!” He snapped, she immediately silenced. “Just listen, will you just fucking–“ he gritted his teeth trying to remain calm. “–Just listen for a second, you can hound on me later.”

She was silent for a moment, noting his tone. She knew him well enough to know when he wasn’t just grovelling, after all they had been on and off for years now. Fighting, loving and crying…mixed with some damn hot sex and a lot of her slapping him.

‘Go on,’ she said sternly, though he noted her breath catch. 

A lump of bile rose in his throat as he said, “I think we’ve found her.”

She sucked in a gasp, ‘Daisy?’

“We’re on our way now, though I could be wrong…” as they rounded the corner he looked out at the girl pacing frantically in bare feet along the river. 

‘What?’ She began, noting his immediate silence. ‘Matty, what is it?’ 

His heart battered at her pet name for him but then he noted the blonde. They got closer still and her face…it was her. Voss was out of the car, it lurched into park and his door slammed shut. “It’s her,” he said. “Call..” Then he saw the look in her eyes, the blankness. “Don’t,” he fought with his mind at making the right decision. “Don’t tell Niall, yet.”

‘I’ll call Jennifer, now,’ she whispered and then added, ‘Call me…when you know what’s going on?’

He nodded, then replied. “I will.”

‘Least she’s alive,” Abigail responded before ending the call. 

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