Chapter 28 - To let him slip through your hands

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‘Let Me Out’ – The Veronicas

‘The Heart Wants What it Wants’ – Selena Gomez

To let him slip through your hands

Dakota was covered in a sheen of sweat, she woke with a start and her eyes flew open. Voices, spoke outside the door she stilled and focused on the voices but came up with nothing but muffled noise. Her body was stiff, Dakota blinked profusely as she tried to steady her beating heart. One of the worst things about losing her memory was that she had no idea what soothed her, rituals that would calm her or people that would soften her aching heart.

Alone, she looked around the bright room filled with flowers and cards from names she did not recognise. The lack of familiarity simply made her heart beat even faster, her body trembled.  Dakota scrambled to make sense of her dream, it was vivid and it was frightening. 

Suddenly the four walls around her felt very much like that crate, she was trapped. In a flash she was sitting up and fumbling with her frail hands at the I.V drip in the back of her hand. One, two on three she yanked the I.V out and blood followed the sting made her eyes water. 

Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Her mind was chaotic, filled with nonsensical thoughts and an underlying layer of fear.

Magazines were spread all around her, the faces of strangers smiling back at her. Many of the photos with her in them, she studied them for hours but no amount of time brought names to the five faces. Her breathing was ragged, she eyed the door terrified to find it locked. 

On unsteady legs she began for the door, one step at a time as all her bones ached. She was still covered in bruises like intricate lacework on her flesh, none of it made sense and everything hurt. Sweat beaded on her face, she sucked in deep steady breaths as she brushed the stray blonde strands from her face. 

The door swung open and nearly knocked her back, she froze staring at the unidentifiable face. He said her name, she stepped back and grasped a vase in her hands. 

He held up his own hands, dark and smooth as he offered her a kind smile. “Are you okay? I’m not here to hurt you…” 

Liar! Her mind screamed for her to run, but where? In earnest she didn’t even know why she was suddenly so afraid. “I…”

“You’re safe here,” he said softly as he slowly stepped closer. 

She believed him, didn’t she?

“Whe–“ her voice was dry, raspy. “–where’s Asher?” She gripped the vase tightly, though it was plastic she felt safe holding it between herself and the stranger. Deep down Asher was just as much of a stranger, he appeared familiar but her mind was a blank slate. It hurt her to remember nothing, she hoped it didn’t hurt the people she once loved too. Though, deep down she knew it would hurt them.

“He’s gone to use the phone,” the voice replied softly. 

She looked him up and down, he was in a grey suit with an open deep blue shirt. His hair was short, eyes piercing blue and his smile was so big it was almost menacing. 

“Asher will be back soon,” he added. “I’m Jacob.”

She frowned, “I saw you the other day?”

“Yes,” he nodded, “you did. I wanted to come and see how you are.”

“Why?” She asked, a little rudely. Her knee’s wobbled but she still gripped that vase. The one thing she knew, since she had been taken to the hospital and far away from her cage…trust no one

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