Chapter 37 - While You Were Sleeping

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‘Another Heart Calls’ – All American Rejects feat. The Pierces (A very appropriate Dakota/Niall or even Louis/Harry song, listen to the lyrics)

‘Skyline’ – Megan Washington

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While You Were Sleeping

Niall couldn't take another moment of this hell, of watching Harry fall apart again. The air was still, almost as if time had frozen and Liam bounded toward them in slow motion. Every micro expression of anger, irritation and humiliation highlighted on his flushed face. Niall wondered if his senses were heightened because of the stress or because of the Ambien he took in the limousine on the way.

Niall turned away as Liam approached, he couldn't stand it. Couldn't stand being forced to watch Harry fall apart, again, and witness his friends being humiliated at their own wedding. Harry's behaviour infuriated him and it took a lot of self control to keep from punching Harry’s lights out, or trying to shake some sense into him. He was mortified that of all the days in the year, Harry chose today to have a public fallout with Louis. Niall closed his eyes and his body involuntarily flinched at the sound of Liam's fist as it connected with Harry's face.

Usually Niall would break it up, defend Harry's bad decisions and lay blame on alcohol or everything going on around them. Normally Niall was strong, able to take on all the fighting and lies. Not tonight, tonight he was spent of energy and smiling. Niall was exhausted, Harry and Louis' relationship was an uphill battle. A battle he could normally take in his stride but he was depleted, he was empty.

He stepped away, shaking his head and ignoring the heartbreaking sound of Harry's sobs. He needed solace, he needed a sense of familiarity even if it came in the form of a stranger. But she wasn't a stranger, not to him.

To him, she was the closest thing to home.

Dakota Fox in all her glory was a girl who was broken beyond repair, a girl Niall loathed to love. It had been years, years of fighting and of wicked deception. Somewhere along the way he began to see flickers of who she truly was, hints of the beautiful woman locked deep inside. She wasn't just an enemy anymore, someone to blame and hate. She was the love of his life and she had forgotten him.

To Niall, Dakota was the universe.

To Dakota, Niall disappeared into oblivion.

Niall didn't blame her, didn't blame the fact her mind was like a sieve and every piece of new information disappeared as soon as it was given. He couldn't hate her for forgetting him, for going through, God only knew what, to come back a shadow of her former self. He couldn't hate her because he already hated himself.

He hated himself for letting her go, for not fighting harder to keep her by her side. He hated himself for finally sleeping with her and waking up riddled with fear and regret. For putting on his shoes, looking at her beautiful sleeping form and instead of kissing her softly, he left. Niall, of his own volition walked out that door afraid of what he felt. Terrified when Dakota woke she would regret her words, regret every kiss she lay upon his skin. 

He was afraid if he loved her she would hurt him. 

He was afraid if she loved him, he wouldn’t be good enough. 

Niall snarled, a string of senseless regrets as he barrelled through the dancing crowd. Jennifer ran behind him, she called his name but the sound of Saskia’s husky voice drowned her out. Zayn grabbed his arm, Niall shrugged him off. 

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