Chapter 42 - It's only over once you leave

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Alpine - 'Villages'

All American Rejects - 'Drown next to me'

Greatcoats - 'Watchmen, what is left of the night?' (PERFECT NAKOTA SONG)

It's only over once you leave

The city was filled with loud noises, the rush of cars and the siren of an Ambulance as it raced between traffic towards the hospital. Dakota wrapped the jumper around her small waist, she shuddered from the cool breeze, her eyes darted from left to right. The world was a mystery nothing recognisable and everything so foreign she wanted to burst into tears. Her heart was hammering in her chest, it wouldn't be long before Asher alerted security and a rush of angry men grabbed her. She stepped onto the pavement, her mind unleashed a wave of foreboding, she could almost feel the grasp of burly hands capturing her. I won't let them win, not this time.

Dakota didn't know what she had to lose, she also had no idea what she would gain from running into the stark night and away from her nightmares. She knew there was every possibility that the boys she once knew wouldn't want anything to do with her, knew they might hate her or push her away. Why wouldn't they? She, from what she'd discovered about her former self, wasn't a nice person and Dakota was terrified that would come to haunt her. Maybe for the rest of her life.

A few girls stood at the entrance talking, one of them pointed in her direction, Dakota immediately scowled and yanked the hood over her head. She hoped the shadows of the night would help hide her face, only time would tell if it worked.

Dakota began to walk along the sidewalk, she found a handful of notes in the pocket of the jacket, her hand clamped tightly around the wad of cash. Her eyes welled at the discovery, Dakota looked up at the glittering night sky and thanked God, maybe this was fate. Maybe her escape, everything she'd been through led up to this very moment. Maybe.

She walked onto the road, her legs weary and her feet unsteady. A car rushed by and honked so loudly she let out a shriek of horror.

A man in a black hoodie with thick rimmed glasses grabbed her arm, "Are you okay?" He studied her face, eyebrows furrowed as he waited for her reply.


"You nearly got hit by a car!" He exclaimed, his voice becoming shrill. His eyes glanced the hospital bracelet white and stark on her wrist, his frown deepened."Are you sure you should be out here?"

Dakota's face went bright red, "How dare you ask that!" She puffed out her chest, hoping her attitude would break past her terrified expression. "I'm looking for a taxi."

"I'll get you one," He cleared his throat and began looking up and down the road. "Where to?" He asked absently over his shoulder as he waved for a cab.

She frantically found the phone in her pocket, she'd been scrolling through Twitter. She had no idea why but the tabloids mentioned it so much. She typed in 'One direction location' and within seconds thousands of tweets excitedly claimed they'd spotted the infamous band.

The taxi pulled up at the curb and the guy opened the door, "Where to?" He asked again, his eyes narrowed as he waited for a response.

Dakota had no doubt he knew she wasn't meant to be outside, she was relieved he didn't say a word. She looked at the phone, read the latest updated address and said it aloud.

He repeated the address to the driver, he glanced at her "Are you sure?"

She nodded.

"You're not really dressed for a-" he began.

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