Chapter 3

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"Seraphim wake up quickly!"Jeongin kept shaking my body awake as I irritatedly hit him and sat up rubbing my eyes and seeing the time,"What the hell?Why are we waking me up for at 2 am? Don't tell me you just want a cookie from downstairs."I bickered as he rolled his eyes and sat on my vanity stool,"Chan wake us up for a meeting on the headquarters,So get that lazy ass up don't wanan be late again."He laughed as he left the room.

What kind of maniac would have a meeting at 2 am?Oh right Bang Chan the most psychopath in the group,I got ready as quick as I can and got on my motorcycle driving fastly to our area.

As I arrived I saw all was there and seated as I took a seat between Hyunjin and Changbin who was busy going on there phone and a book and as Chan came in we all put our attention at him since he looked like this meeting is so 'important' we have to adjust our sleep time for it.

"Good Morning folks!I know you all are annoyed mostly Seraphim for ruining this night-Uhm Mr.Hong can you get them coffe?-Anyways I am here to tell you that we have a new member."Chan spoke waking our sinner souls up by that announcement,"Seems everyones interested now I'd like you all to meet our newest member,Lee Minho a.k.a Lee Know."We all clapped in until I realized the name he announced making me stare at the guy who walked in.

"Hello gentlemens and m'lady,I am Lee Minho your new member."He introduced as my eyes widened as the others just clap and greet him closely as I grab Chan,"What the hell is he doing here?I thought he's an elite class type of thing then he'll just join us,I mean no offense but I feel somethings wrong with him."I whisper as he laughed.

"Seraph come on we need a new achievement so just deal with it besides I know you have a little likey likey on him."He teased before walking away and as I cross my hands and turn I saw Minho infront of me making me flinch and hold my chest in shock,"What the hell men-I mean hey."I acted cool as he laughed and stretch his arm,"You must be Seraphim Hill,Nice to meet you I'm Lee Know and you look familiar have I ever encountered you already?"He asked.

I shook my head,"Oh no no no,I haven't but badly to meet you too."I reply as he chuckle before excusing himself to talk to others when Mr.Hong gave me a glass of champagne as I gave him a glare,"Didn't Chan asked for a coffee?I don't want this my head still hurts,Get me coffee now or I'll crush your skulls."I threatened as he nod and walked away quickly.

How could he possibly forgotten me easily?!

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now